Tags: Sosialisasi

Internalization of the Development of Integrity Zone in Campus Environment

As one of the national tertiary institutions which is increasingly being taken into account in the world of education both nationally and internationally, Universitas Brawijaya is not only required to realize the vision and mission of the tri-dharma in the campus environment, but also participates in strengthening the integrity zone as the foundation for higher […]

Manfaatkan Sosial Media, UB Adakan Sosialisasi UTBK-SBMPTN 2021

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Talkshow Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Jalur UTBK-SBMPTN Tahun Akademik 2021/2022 dilaksanakan secara live Instagram @univ.brawijaya dan @radio_ub, Senin (15/3/2021). Tercatat kegiatan ini disaksikan oleh lebih dari 300 peserta. Koordinator Perencanaan Akademik Kerjasama Heri Prawoto Widodo, S.Sos, M.AB. menyampaikan informasi mengenai mahasiswa baru beliau mengatakan bahwa secara umum setiap […]

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