Tags: Sekolah Keragaman

Penampilan Tari Gemilang Nusantara

Four-Year Reflection Workshop on Sekolah Keragaman: The Role of Higher Education in Building Inclusive Communities

Sekolah Keragaman is the flagship programme of the Wargakarta Research Group at the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS), Universitas Brawijaya (UB). The Wargakarta Research Group comprises lecturers from FCS UB who focus on issues of multiculturalism and citizenship through their academic activities. The Head of Sekolah Keragaman, Dr Sigit Prawoto, stated that the programme aims […]

Training of Trainer Kelompok Kajian Wargakarta

40 FCS UB Students Participated in the TOT of Assistance in the Promotion of Good Practices in the 2nd Diversity School Programme, Wargakarta Research Group

40 students of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) took part in the Training of Trainer (ToT) programme organized by the Wargakarta Research Group FCS UB, for the realization of the 2nd Diversity School Programme in the Bale Bagus Room, Ubud Hotel on Saturday-Sunday (3/4-5/2023). On the first day, students were equipped […]

Diversity School by Warga Karta Study Group FCS UB

The study on the issue of citizenship and multiculturalism encourages the lecturers of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) as the members of the Warga Karta Study Group, in collaboration with LP3M UB, to organize the Diversity School. According to the head of Warga Karta Study Group, Dr. Hipolitus K. Kewuel, this […]

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