Tags: SDG12

Kelompok 173 MMD Bersama Kader PKK, Lakukan Revitalisasi Media Tanam Akuaponik

Mahasiswa Membangun Desa (MMD) Kelompok 173 melakukan revitalisasi media tanam akuaponik di Balai Desa Purwosekar, Kecamatan Tajinan. Langkah ini diambil guna menghidupkan kembali sistem akuaponik di desa tersebut, sebagai bagian dari upaya sukseskan program “Green Office” dari Kecamatan Tajinan. Proses revitalisasi melibatkan perbaikan paralon dan kolam yang mengalami kebocoran. Sebanyak 87 bibit selada dan 100 […]

Students Initiate Paguan Village Owned Enterprises , Bondowoso Regency

Student Build Village Group 626 held outreach and deliberations related to “Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) Initiation in Paguan Village” at Paguan Village Hall so that an agreement was created by the village community to establish BUMDes in accordance with Government Regulation Number 11 of 2021. This activity begins with the socialization of the establishment of […]

Deputy Regent of Bone Bolango Welcomes the Matching Fund Team and  MBKM UB Students

At the Ceremony Field of Bone Bolango Regent’s Office, Mrs. Deputy Regent Dr. Merlan S. Uloli, S.E., M.M., led the ceremony and welcomed the arrival of Universitas Brawijaya Matching Fund (MF) Program Team and MBKM students. This activity became an important milestone in supporting innovative programs in Bone Bolango District, Gorontalo (28/08/2003). The ceremony was […]

Kolaborasi HI UB dan Universitas Teknik Petronas Malaysia, Kembangkan Air Bersih untuk Kabupaten Malang

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Himpunan Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional (HIMAHI) FISIP berkolaborasi dengan Universitas Teknik Petronas dari Malaysia membangun Desa Pandansari, Kecamatan Poncokusumo, Kabupaten Malang, bertajuk HIMAHI Goes to Campus 2023 x Clean Water for Malang. Dalam proyek kerjasama internasional ini, Universitas Teknik Petronas Malaysia menggagas penciptaan alat penyaring air yang berfungsi […]

Students Held Socialization of Waste Bank in Banjaran Village

Students of the 954 group of MMD-1000 villages held a waste bank socialization to PKK Banjaran MMD Village women in Banjaran Village, Driyorejo District, Gresik Regency, Friday (14/7/2023) to provide information regarding waste banks as an alternative solution to overcoming waste and landfill problems in Banjaran Village. One of the main waste problems is air […]

Sosialisasi PTSL bersama BPN Kabupaten Banyuwangi

Dukung PTSL, mahasiswa UB Gandeng BPN Kabupaten Banyuwangi

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Pendataan kepemilikan atas tanah penting untuk mengamankan aset personal, juga dapat menunjang akses kepasa berbagai program pemerintah. Untuk membantu mendukung program Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap, kelompkk 585 Mahasiswa Membangun Desa mengadakan sosialisasi kepada kelompok tani Desa Jambesaei, Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Sosialisasi ini menghadirkan Mardi Siswoyo selaku Kasubag Tata […]

Foto praktek pembuatan Eco-Enzym

Residents of Winong Village Learn to Process Garbage and Waste Scientifically

Students Build Villages (MMD) Group 822 conducted an Eco-Enzym Production and Outreach activity with the theme of scientifically garbage and waste processing in Winong Village, Gemarang District, Madiun Regency, Wednesday (27/7/2023). A representative from the team, Dhicka Wahyu Nata said that this activity was motivated by a lack of education regarding garbage and waste management […]

 MMD Students Teach Pakisaji Residents to Make Eco-Sanitizer

Students Build Village (MMD) group 163 of Pakisaji Village conducted socialization on making eco-sanitizers to Pakisaji villagers, Wednesday (26/7/2023) at Cinde Wilis Building, Pakisaji Village. This socialization was carried out as an effort to overcome the management of organic waste, so that it can be used as a useful product for Pakisaji villagers. Eco-sanitizer is […]

UB MMD Group 157 Establishes Waste Bank in Permanu Village to Address Waste Problems

The waste problem is still a problem that is difficult to overcome, the production of organic and inorganic household waste continues to increase as the population increases and people’s consumption patterns continue to increase. Therefore, there is a need for special and sustainable handling to overcome these problems as an alternative solution to the waste […]

Residents of Pakisjajar Village Learn to Process Organic Waste into Eco-Enzyme

The group 194 of students build 1000 villages Universitas Brawijaya (MMD UB) 2023 conducted a socialization on processing household waste in the form of vegetables and fruits into processed organic waste products known as eco-enzymes. The target of the socialization activity is Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) Women of Pakisjajar Village, Pakis District, Malang Regency. Group […]

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