Tags: SDG12

FCS UB Hosts Documentary Short Film Competition in Collaboration with OPPO and Medcom.id

To encourage the younger generation to create works in the fields of arts and culture, the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) at Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a documentary short film production competition. The event was part of the 15th anniversary of FCS UB. Themed “Cultural Mosaic: Harmony in Language, Art, and Culture,” the competition saw […]

EcoLiving Student Community Grow Zero Waste Spirit to Elementary Students

One of UB’s student communities, EcoLiving Community, carries out Eco-Game activities to provide education, training and character strengthening in processing food waste as compost in order to preserve the environment. The Eco-Game activity which took place at one of the Adiwiyata Schools, namely SDN Percoban 2 Malang, on (3/11-17/11/2023) was attended by 51 people consisting […]

UB Students Help the Development of Purworejo Village Tourism

Brawijaya University (UB) students who are members of the Students Build Village (MMD) program have again shown their contribution to village development. The UB 264 MMD group, consisting of 13 students, participated in community service in Purworejo Village, Ngantang District, Malang Regency. The MMD program is an initiative of Brawijaya University to involve students in […]

Best Practices of Sampling and Analysis Methods for Microplastics (MPs)

Workshop: Best Practices of Sampling and Analysis Methods for Microplastics (MPs)

The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya hosted a workshop with the topic Best Practices of Sampling and Analysis Methods for Microplastics which was held for 4 (four) days, starting 22 – 25 May 2023. This activity is part of the Southeast Asia Plastic (SEAP) research collaboration. SEAP is one of 4 world […]

Indonesia Peringkat 2 Penghasil Sisa Sampah Makanan, FISIP UB Sasar Gen Z untuk Lebih Peduli

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Isu lingkungan masih menjadi hal yang mengkhawatirkan di Indonesia, terutama terkait sampah. Komitmen fokus pada isu lingkungan tahun ini membuat dua dosen FISIP UB Wifka Rahma Syauki dan Fitria Avicenna mengangkat tema Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dengan tema Food Waste Management (FWM).  Mereka bekerja sama dengan Garda Pangan, […]

Caring for the Environment, IAAS LC UB Cleans Brantas River

As a form of concern for environmental cleanliness, especially rivers, the International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Science Local Committee (IAAS LC) Brawijaya University (UB) carried out a cleanliness project in Brantas River area, Saturday (21/10/2023). The location of Brantas River area in Polehan sub-district segment of Muharto Street, Malang City was chosen […]

UB PWK Team Service in Bangelan Wonosari Village

A team of lecturers and students from the Environment, Infrastructure and Information System (EIIS) Laboratory, Department of Regional and City Planning (PWK), Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University (FTUB) carried out community service activities in Bangelan Village, Wonosari District, Malang Regency on July 8, 2023. This activity is part of a series of commemorations of the […]

Kelompok 173 MMD Bersama Kader PKK, Lakukan Revitalisasi Media Tanam Akuaponik

Mahasiswa Membangun Desa (MMD) Kelompok 173 melakukan revitalisasi media tanam akuaponik di Balai Desa Purwosekar, Kecamatan Tajinan. Langkah ini diambil guna menghidupkan kembali sistem akuaponik di desa tersebut, sebagai bagian dari upaya sukseskan program “Green Office” dari Kecamatan Tajinan. Proses revitalisasi melibatkan perbaikan paralon dan kolam yang mengalami kebocoran. Sebanyak 87 bibit selada dan 100 […]

Students Initiate Paguan Village Owned Enterprises , Bondowoso Regency

Student Build Village Group 626 held outreach and deliberations related to “Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) Initiation in Paguan Village” at Paguan Village Hall so that an agreement was created by the village community to establish BUMDes in accordance with Government Regulation Number 11 of 2021. This activity begins with the socialization of the establishment of […]

Deputy Regent of Bone Bolango Welcomes the Matching Fund Team and  MBKM UB Students

At the Ceremony Field of Bone Bolango Regent’s Office, Mrs. Deputy Regent Dr. Merlan S. Uloli, S.E., M.M., led the ceremony and welcomed the arrival of Universitas Brawijaya Matching Fund (MF) Program Team and MBKM students. This activity became an important milestone in supporting innovative programs in Bone Bolango District, Gorontalo (28/08/2003). The ceremony was […]

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