Tags: SDG10

BEM FCS UB Invites People to Remember Two Years of Kanjuruhan Tragedy Through Exhibition

Commemorating the second anniversary of the Kanjuruhan tragedy, the Ministry of Strategic Studies and Action (Kastrat) of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held an exhibition themed “Forgotten Tragedy, Unraveled but Considered Over.” The event, which took place at the SAC Gallery Building A FIB UB, […]

UB Rector, Dean, and Vice Dean of Academic Affairs of FCS UB with the Keynote Speakers

FCS UB Raises the Issues of Education, Technology, and Inclusivity at ICEL IV

The Department of Language Education, Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS), Universitas Brawijaya (UB) once again held the International Conference on Advances in Humanities, Education, and Language (ICEL) on Wednesday-Thursday (2-3/10/2024). Entering its fourth year, this international seminar carries the theme “Global Perspective, Local Influence: Language Education, Technology, Cultural Diversity, and Inclusivity.” At ICEL IV, the […]

Relawan Baru Ikuti Disability Awareness

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Pada awal Agustus lalu, Subdirektorat Layanan Disabilitas Universitas Brawijaya membuka pendaftaran relawan baru. Relawan yang bertugas sebagai peer-support untuk mahasiswa difabel ini dilatih disability awareness, Minggu (8/9/2024), lalu di Ruang Koridor Rektorat Universitas Brawijaya. Sebanyak 150 lebih mahasiswa mengikuti pelatihan tersebut sebagai bekal awal mereka terjun mendampingi […]

Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik Prof Imam Santoso (berkemeja merah) menyambut tamu dari Kementerian Luar Negeri

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Collaborates with UB to Bring Disability Issue to the UN

A team of representatives from the Directorate of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs and the Center for Multilateral Policy Strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia visited the Subdirectorate of Disability Services, Universitas Brawijaya, Thursday (8/22/2024). This visit aims to explore cooperation between the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and […]

UB and BMSI Hold International Palestine Seminar

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) in collaboration with the Bulan Sabit Merah Indonesia (BSMI) on Saturday (7/13/2024) held an International Palestine Seminar, which was centered at UB Widyaloka Building. The seminar with the theme “Solidarity and Humanity, Standing Together for Palestine”, presented speakers including the Chairperson of the BSMI MPA, Prof. Dr. dr Basuki Supartono Sp.OT, Chairperson […]

FCS UB Hosts Documentary Short Film Competition in Collaboration with OPPO and Medcom.id

To encourage the younger generation to create works in the fields of arts and culture, the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) at Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a documentary short film production competition. The event was part of the 15th anniversary of FCS UB. Themed “Cultural Mosaic: Harmony in Language, Art, and Culture,” the competition saw […]

Special Guest Lecture with Global Coding Inc.

The Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) held a special guest lecture by presenting Kiichiro Muto, CEO of Global Coding Inc Japan (Gloding Inc) on Friday (10/11/2023). The event was opened by Dr.Eng. Ir. Herman Tolle, S.T., M.T. Vice Dean I for Academic Affairs of FILKOM is located in the Algorithm Hall, G […]

Revolusi Bisnis di Desa Ranuyoso: UB Dorong Pemanfaatan Daun Kelor

UB’s Business Revolution: Promoting the Use of Moringa Leaves in Ranuyoso Village

Universitas Brawijaya (UB), through the 2023 Doctoral Service Programme (DSP), organized an inspiring initiative to empower Micro, Small Medium Enterprise (MSME) in Ranuyoso Village, Lumajang, East Java. This community empowerment activity was led by Dr. Joni Kusnadi, M.Si from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FAT), who also involved other DSP members, including Hamamah, Ph.D., M. […]

FILKOM Buat Aplikasi Pembelajaran Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) Tunagrahita di SMKN 2, Malang

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Tim peneliti dosen FILKOM UB yang diketuai oleh, Ir. Retno Indah Rokhmawati, S.Pd., M.Pd., beranggotakan Hanifah Muslimah Az-Zahra, S.Sn., M.Ds., dan Buce Trias Hanggara, S.Kom., M.Kom., dibantu mahasiswa sebagai asisten peneliti dan tim pengembang melaksanakan penelitian dengan judul Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Tematik Berbasis Mobile untuk Melatih […]

Belajar Kesenjangan dan Eksklusi Sosial, Departemen Sosiologi Datangkan Praktisi Desa Wisata

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Departemen Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) mendatangkan seorang praktisi desa wisata, Galuh Alif Fahmi Rizki, S.Pd., M.Pd untuk memberikan pengetahuan tambahan kepada mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Kesenjangan dan Eksklusi Sosial. Kuliah yang mendatangkan praktisi tersebut bertajuk Mengikis Kesenjangan Sosial melalui Pengelolaan SumberDaya Alam yang […]

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