Tags: SDG05

Community Capacity Building Through the Sekolah Orang Tua Hebat Program in Mojolangu

The Sekolah Orang Tua Hebat (SOTH) program, initiated by the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN), aims to enhance parents’ skills in child-rearing. This program seeks to optimize children’s growth and development, foster positive character building, and support efforts to reduce stunting rates as part of the Zero Stunting initiative. In Mojolangu Village, Lowokwaru […]

Penampilan Tari Gemilang Nusantara

Four-Year Reflection Workshop on Sekolah Keragaman: The Role of Higher Education in Building Inclusive Communities

Sekolah Keragaman is the flagship programme of the Wargakarta Research Group at the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS), Universitas Brawijaya (UB). The Wargakarta Research Group comprises lecturers from FCS UB who focus on issues of multiculturalism and citizenship through their academic activities. The Head of Sekolah Keragaman, Dr Sigit Prawoto, stated that the programme aims […]

Enhancing Tourist Appeal Through Culinary and MSMEs in Randugede Village, Plaosan District, Magetan Regency

Randugede Village, Plaosan District, Magetan Regency, Continues to Boost Tourism Appeal through Various Community Service Activities. One of the prominent activities held was the Integrated Community Service Program with Student Community Service (KKN) from the Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya, for the 2024 Fiscal Year, under contract number: 3055.4/UN10.F05/PM/2024. The event, held on Tuesday, […]

Kedai Bineka Dialogue: Women and National Awakening

The journey of the Indonesian nation cannot be separated from the role of women. However, historical texts mostly record the names of men as national figures and only show a few female figures who are considered “deserving”. Commemorating the National Awakening Day and Kartini Day, the Center for Character and Diversity Studies (CCDS) under the […]

Housing Exhibition Festival to Celebrate National Awakening Day at the Faculty of Law

Coinciding with National Awakening Day, Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya (FH UB) held a Housing Exhibition which took place on (20/5-22/5/2024) at the Democracy Platform, C Building of FH UB. The Housing Exhibition event which was attended by 16 housing developers in Malang Raya was opened with remarks from the Dean […]

UB and British Council are Committed to Encourage Gender Equality and Education Inclusivity

Commemorating Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) which falls on the third Thursday in May, the British Council in collaboration with Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a workshop, Thursday (16/05/2024), in the Banquet Room on the Sixth Floor of the Rectorate Building. This activity was attended by representatives from 21 teams receiving the UK-Indonesia Going Global Partnerships […]

Brawijaya University Collaborates with the Financial Services Authority to Hold Capital Markets Seminar

Brawijaya University in collaboration with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) held a “Capital Markets Seminar”, Thursday (29/2/2024). This event was attended by the Vice Rector  III for Student Affairs, Alumni and Entrepreneurship, Brawijaya University, Dr. Setiawan Noerdajasakti, SH., MH., Head of OJK Capital Market Regulation and Development Department, Antonius Hari P.M. Vice Dean I of […]

Doctoral Service Strengthens VCO Productivity in Cemorokandang Malang

Vigur Asri Women Farmer Group (KWT) in Cemorokandang Village, Malang City has succeeded in making Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). Named Bimala, this VCO has been tested at the Biological Sciences Center Laboratory (LSIH) Brawijaya University and is known to contain very useful fatty acids. Based on this, KWT Vigur Asri, which has 21 members, is […]

Foto Tim Riset Mahasiswa (RITMA) FMIPA Mendampingi Ibu PKK Kalisongo Membuat Olahan Jeruk Menjadi Marmalade

FMIPA Research Team Assisting PKK Kalisongo to Process Oranges into Marmalade

FMIPA Student Research Team (RITMA) consisting of Syalaysha Azzahra, Elifes Ziliwu, Kevina Alal, Miftachul Khoiroh and Adistia Dhefany used orange peel to make marmalade. Marmalade itself is a semi-solid food product made from fruit, sugar, citric acid and includes pieces of fruit or fruit skin. This team makes a product called SoMar which is an […]

Foto dari kiri ke kanan Dewi Elisa Angraeni, Adinda Zahrani Mintarja, Arantxa Fahira Malaka. Ketiganya Mahasiswa Kebidanan FK UB Angkatan 2020

FK Students Win Business Plan Competition Management Vaganza

  Three Midwifery students from the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) won 2nd place in the National Business Plan Competition Management Vaganza 2023 held by Siliwangi University in Tasikmalaya, West Java, (12/11-13/11/2023). Consisting of Adinda Zahrani Mintarja, Arantxa Fahira Malaka, and Dewi Elisa Angraeni supervised by Dr. Diadjeng Setya Wardani, S.Si.T, M.Kes, the FK […]

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