Tags: SDG02

UB and BMSI Hold International Palestine Seminar

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) in collaboration with the Bulan Sabit Merah Indonesia (BSMI) on Saturday (7/13/2024) held an International Palestine Seminar, which was centered at UB Widyaloka Building. The seminar with the theme “Solidarity and Humanity, Standing Together for Palestine”, presented speakers including the Chairperson of the BSMI MPA, Prof. Dr. dr Basuki Supartono Sp.OT, Chairperson […]

UB Enters Top 100 THE Impact Rankings for SDGs 2

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) placed the 80th in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings for Universities SDG 2: Zero Hunger. This ranking was released on the website https://www.timeshighereducation.com in June 2024. This achievement places UB in the top 100 universities in the world that contribute significantly in the efforts to overcome global hunger. This assessment […]

Prof. Alison Baker dari University of Leeds melakukan kunjungan di FPIK dan LSIH UB

FPIK Establishes Research Collaboration with Four Universities from Three Countries, Researching Duckweed for Tilapia Fish Feed

The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FPIK UB) welcomed the visit of Prof. Alison Baker from the University of Leeds, England, Tuesday (23/4/2024), Visit of Prof. Baker is part of a research collaboration involving three countries: England, Thailand and Indonesia. This visit was in order to strengthen research on Duckweed (Matalele Plant), […]

DWP UB Shares Ramadhan Gifts  to the 422 UB Support System

Dharma Wanita Persatuan of Brawijaya University (DWP UB) again held a Ramadhan gift sharing activity with the theme “Social Service: Sharing Ramadhan Gifts 1445 H” to families on campus. The event took place at the Widyaloka Building on Friday, (5/4/2024) Rani Mariani Ulfa, as the Chair of Dharma Wanita and the wife of the Rector […]

MARJAN: A Proof of Concern from FP Students to Others

A total of 80 Students of the Faculty of Agriculture (FP) who were members of the activity Mari Berbagi di Jalan or Let’s Share on the Road (MARJAN) distributed 1,230 portions of rice packages at five points in Malang City including Pasar Besar, Alun-Alun Malang, Malang Station, Arjosari Bus Station, and Gajayana Stadium. The Coordinator […]

UB Lecturer’s Innovation to Overcome Salt Scarcity

Lecturer at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Brawijaya University (FPIK UB) Andi Kurniawan S.Pi., M.Eng.D.Sc created an innovative method to overcome the scarcity of salt. He developed the Salt Tunnel Greenhouse with “Continuously Dynamic Mixing” method which can increase the efficiency of salt production and reduce dependence on weather factors. This innovation departs […]

Pemukulan Gong Oleh Wapres RI

The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Launches UB Halal Metric

Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH. Ma’ruf Amin launched UB Halal Metric, at the Samantha Krida Building, Friday (19/1/2024). UB Halal is an instrument used to comprehensively measure the implementation of halal ecosystem concept in the tertiary, industrial and government sectors. Chair of the 2024 UB Halal Summit Organizing Committee, Ir. L Tri […]

Grand launching Sari Buah CV.Poty Teknologi Pertanian: Sinergi Mahasiswa UB dan BSI Maslahat Sociopreneur

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. CV. Poty Teknologi Pertanian, sebuah inisiatif yang berfokus pada pengolahan buah-buahan lokal diluncurkan di Desa Ketawang Gondanglegi pada Jumat,12/01/2023. Acara grand launching ini dihadiri oleh sejumlah tokoh penting termasuk Wakil Rektor Bidang Kemahasiswaan, Alumni, dan Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya (UB), pimpinan Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Maslahat Sociopreneur, […]

Knowing Poty : a Healty Product from the Origin of Malang

Poty, an agricultural technology product that started from an initiative, the initiator of CV.Poty, Isbakhul Lailatil Fibriyah, is a graduate of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology as well as a fast track Masters student at Brawijaya University and also one of the recipients of the BSI Maslahat Sociopreneurship Award. BSI Maslahat, with its flagship Sociopreneurship […]

 UB Team Wins the 2023 P3FNI Scientific Competition

Carrying out a scientific work entitled “Snack Bar Innovation High in Fiber, Low in Calories, and Rich in Antioxidants Based on the Use of Local Mangrove Fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris) as a Healthy Snack Alternative”, the three teams of Brawijaya University students succeeded in eliminating 210 participants throughout Indonesia and won first place in the. Student […]

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