The Integrity Zone Team of the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (ZI FILKOM UB) held a coordination meeting approaching the visitation, Friday (19/3/2024) in G building FILKOM UB. This activity was attended by the dean, Prof. Ir. Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D., Vice Dean for Administration and Finance, head of the IZ FILKOM […]
The declaration of higher education Integrity Zones (IZ) towards Corruption Free Areas (CFA) and Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Areas (CSBA) does not only refer to institutional relationships but also to individuals between each related work unit. It is not limited to providing services to the public or students, but is also directed towards the internalization […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Divisi Reformasi Birokrasi kembali menyelenggarakan Kegiatan Pelaksanaan Sosialisasi Penyusunan Laporan Identifikasi Inovasi Perguruan Tinggi yang diperuntukkan bagi unit-unit kerja di fakultas, Selasa (20/6). Sesuai dengan arahan dari Dikti berkaitan tentang pengelolaan dan inventarisasi aplikasi/inovasi di lingkungan kampus, saat kini Universitas Brawijaya (UB) merekapitulasi 124 aplikasi/inovasi yang telah […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Kecepatan layanan informasi di era digital saat ini merupakan sebuah bagian penting untuk kemajuan organisasi perguruan tinggi, tidak terkecuali layanan yang bersifat internal. Sistem informasi digital di Universitas Brawijaya saat ini telah mengalami perkembangan cukup pesat melalui beragam aplikasi yang membantu kebutuhan pengguna secara cepat dan terbuka. […]
As one of the national tertiary institutions which is increasingly being taken into account in the world of education both nationally and internationally, Universitas Brawijaya is not only required to realize the vision and mission of the tri-dharma in the campus environment, but also participates in strengthening the integrity zone as the foundation for higher […]
Universitas Brawijaya (UB) holds a Public Service Innovation Competition or UB Public Service Awards (UBPSA) or Universitas Brawijaya Public Service Award. UBPSA seeks to encourage service units in UB to create competitive public service innovations. This activity is expected to have an impact on the performance and quality of public services of service units […]