Tags: PPA UB

UB Holds Eid Al- Fitr Prayers 1 Syawal 1445 H

After a full month of fasting during Ramadan, Muslims around the world rejoice in welcoming the day of victory. The celebration of Eid al-Fitr 1 Shawwal 1445 H which falls on Wednesday (10/4/2024) was also welcomed with joy by the academic community of Brawijaya University (UB) by holding joint Eid prayers which were held at […]

61st UB Anniversary: Pray Together and Donation for Orphans

Commemorating the 61st Anniversary of Brawijaya University (UB) carried out joint prayer activities and provided donations to orphanages, the poor and social institutions. The activity was carried out at UB Raden Patah Mosque through UB Religious Development Center (PPA). Joint prayers are held so that UB will provide more blessings to the community, nation and […]

Commemoration of the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW and Santri Day

On Friday (20/10) the Religious Development Center (PPA) of Brawijaya University (UB) carried out activities at Raden Patah Mosque. Activities carried out to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and Santri Day. This celebration was carried out with Tabligh Akbar, “Imitating Morals, Sowing Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamien“. Present as a lecturer was Prof. […]

Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso M.P saat menjadi khatib pada pelaksanaan solat Iduladha, tadi pagi

Memaknai Teladan Keluarga Nabi Ibrahim dalam Iduladha 1444 H

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Universitas Brawijaya melalui Pusat Pembinaan Agama (PPA UB) menyelenggarakan Solat Iduladha 1444 H. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada Kamis (29/06) di Lapangan Rektorat UB ini diikuti oleh segenap sivitas akademika serta masyarakat sekitar kampus. Bertindak sebagai imam sholat  Fahmi Arief Hidayat S.Kom dari Fakultas Hukum dan khatib Wakil […]

Pelepasan Calon Jamaah Haji 2023

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Sehubungan dengan keberangkatan calon jamaah haji tahun 2023, Pusat Pembinaan Agama Universitas Brawijaya (PPA UB) pada Selasa (13/6/2023), menyelenggarakan kegiatan Pelepasan Calon Jamaah Haji bagi keluarga besar sivitas akademika Universitas Brawijaya yang akan melaksanakan ibadah haji tahun 2023. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan di Masjid Fatahillah lantai 5 Gedung […]

The Commemoration of Nuzulul Qur’an

On Tuesday (11/4) the Center for Religious Development (PPA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a commemoration of Nuzulul Qur’an event. The activity was held at Raden Patah Mosque (MRP) UB. The commemoration of Nuzulul Qur’An this time takes the theme “Revitalization of the Character of Ihsan Based on the Qur’an. Presented as a speaker was Prof. […]

Workshop on Takmir Management of Malang Mosques

As many as 100 participants, who are mosque administrator in Malang Raya, on Tuesday (11/4) attended the Workshop on Takmir Management of Malang Raya Mosque held by the Center for Religious Development (PPA) Universitas Brawijaya. This activity, which is part of the commemoration of Nuzhulul Qur’an, was held in the Basement of Raden Patah Mosque […]

PPA UB Bahas Program Kerja Tahun 2023 yang Mencerminkan Toleransi dan Keberagaman

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Pusat Pembinaan Agama (PPA) dan Masjid Raden Patah  Universitas Brawijaya pada Kamis (1/12/2022) mengadakan Rapat Evaluasi Program 2022 dan Pembahasan Program Kerja Tahun 2023. Kegiatan yang dilangsungkan di Hotel Atria Malang ini diikuti oleh kurang lebih 40 peserta yang terdiri dari  Dosen Pendididkan Agama Islam, Dosen Pendidikan […]

Ilhamuddin SPsi.,MA : Tidak Ada Konflik Karena Perbedaan Pemahaman Tapi Kepentingan

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Ketua Pusat Kesejahteraan dan Kewirausahaan Direktorat Kemahasiswwaan Ilhamudin, S.Psi.,MA mengatakan konflik terjadi bukan karena perbedaan pemahaman tapi karena perbedaan kepentingan. Hal ini disampaikannya pada Workshop Toleransi dan Keberagaman Lembaga Dakwah Fakultas “Menyemai Keberagaman Dakwah dalam Bingkai Toleransi”, Selasa (28/11/2022). Pusat Pembinaan Agama UB selaku penyelenggara mengundang perwakilan […]

UB Reciting : Tabligh Akbar Buya Yahya “Character Revitalization as a Media to Build the Integrity of Academic People”.

A total of approximately 5000 pilgrims (students) on Thursday (11/3/2022) participated in the Tabligh Akbar event in the framework of Lustrum XII Universitas Brawijaya with the theme UB Reciting Qur’an. The activity which is held in collaboration with the Center for Religious Development (PPA UB), Raden Patah Mosque, UB’s Lustrum XII Committee, and UB’s Islamic […]

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