Three students of Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Ririn Lutvita Sari (FKG), Afina Muti’ah Tuhepaly (FKG), and Kharisma Ghanyysyafira (FT) made a gel from Tamarind which is useful for whitening teeth naturally. One of the students, Ririn Lutvita Sari, said that teeth which experience discoloration are extrinsically difficult to remove by brushing or scaling, and one way […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya (UB) membuat desain inovasi alat penetas telur (inkubator) yang dapat dikendalikan dari jarak jauh melalui smartphone bernama ACTOR (Smart Egg Incubator) Alat ini nantinya akan diaplikasikan untuk Peternakan Pancamurti milik Agus Wahyudi di Tlogomas. Agus sebagai peternak ayam kampung mengeluhkan kinerja mesin inkubatornya yang […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Lima mahasiswa UB lintas fakultas membuat desain kasa dari sarang telur Laba-laba Tarantula atau KASPRO. Rizky Senna salah satu anggota tim mengatakan selama ini, sarang telur tarantula dipandang sebelah mata oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia, padahal di balik itu semua sarang telur tarantula menyimpan berjuta manfaat yang […]
Students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) make a pesticide exterminator from coconut shell waste. Coconut shell waste was deliberately chosen as the main material because Sutojayan Village, Blitar Regency is an area with extensive agricultural land and an abundance of coconut trees. Coconut shell waste in Sutojayan Village reaches 15 tons per year. […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Dewasa ini penyakit kanker masih menjadi salah satu permasalahan dunia dalam bidang kesehatan. Bahkan salah satu tujuan keberlanjutan Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) butir ke-3, ditekankan bahwa harus mengurangi sepertiga kematian akibat penyakit tidak menular seperti diabetes dan kanker. Sejak tahun 2008, kejadian kanker payudara telah meningkat lebih […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Tiga mahasiswa lintas fakultas UB mengagas konsep inovasi alat pengering untuk meningkatkan produktivitas Chip Porang Mahasiswa Imam prasetyo (FTP), Clara Dwi Anggraini (FTP) dan Dary hardiansyah Haryono (Filkom) dibawah Yusuf Hendrawan membuat Prototipe alat Pengering vakum pada umbi porang berbasis Artificial Neural Network dengan sistem kontrol aplikasi […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Enam mahasiswa Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FTP) memberdayakan ibu-ibu PKK di Desa Tulungrejo, Batu untuk memanfaatkan limbah kulit buah apel menjadi beras analog bernama BENKAP. Desa Tulungrejo, Batu dikenal memiliki beberapa UMKM Keripik Apel cukup besar, dan sebagian warganya bekerja sebagai pekerja atau buruh pengupas kulit apel. Masyarakat […]
Indonesia is a tropical country that gets sunshine throughout the year. However, sunlight that reaches the earth also contains UV-A and UV-B rays. These rays have a negative impact on the skin, from sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer. Based on the results of the 2007 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) survey, skin cancer stay […]
Clean water in settlements is a very crucial aspect that must be met. Efforts to fulfill this clean water must be carried out continuously for a long time. However, not all regions can meet this need for clean water. One of them is Karangbinangun Village, Lamongan Regency. The water sources that are widely used by […]
Indonesia is one of the largest industrialized countries in Southeast Asia and even has several industrial areas. This is a sign that the Indonesian economy state is quite good. But unfortunately, the number of industrial areas is also a contributor to the number of pollutants in Indonesia. This is what causes Indonesia to be in […]