Tags: pkm k


Selling Fermented Coffee at the Soekarno Coffee Fest 2024, UB Students’ Coffee Products were Sold Out!

Coffee is one of the superior commodities in the plantation sector in Indonesia. According to USDA data (2023), in the 2022/2023 period, Indonesia became the third largest coffee producer in the world with a production figure reaching 11.9 million sacks of 60 kg. Several local Indonesian coffee production results are already widely known by the […]

Terraplanter, Hampers Tanaman Hias Bawa Mahasiswa FISIP Lolos PIMNAS ke-35

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Mahasiswa FISIP Departemen Ilmu Pemerintahan berhasil lolos mengikuti Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) ke-35 tahun 2022 sebagai salah satu wakil Universitas Brawijaya dalam bidang PKM Kewirausahaan. Mahasiswa tersebut adalah Zahra Syafira Safitri, Amartya Esa Kaniyasari, Baiq Nazla Safa Kamila, Firda Nadiah, dan 1 orang mahasiswa dari FEB […]

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