Minister of Investment Provides Scholarships and Working Capital to UB New Students

The Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board Bahlil Lahadalia gives scholarships and working capital to New Students of Universitas Brawijaya (Maba UB). Scholarships were given by Bahlil while filling in the Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PK2MABA) activity, Monday (14/8/2023). The scholarship was given to Ferdian, a student from Lamongan, whose parents […]

Jenderal TNI (Purn.) Muhammad Andika Perkasa

General (Ret) TNI Andika Perkasa Advised that New Students Must be  Open Minded

  General TNI (Purn.) Muhammad Andika Perkasa, S.E., M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. advised that new students can open their minds to any changes that exist today. This activity was conveyed when delivering the Material on Life of the Nation, State, and Development of State Defense Awareness in front of UB Freshmen in the PK2MABA activity, […]

15.488 New Students Participate in PK2MABA

A total of 15,488 New Students of Universitas Brawijaya took part in the Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PK2MABA) for three days (14/8-16/8/2023). The Chief Executive of PK2MABA Miftakhul Cahyati, drg., Sp.PM explained that this year’s activity was different compared to before because almost all new students from 17 faculties in UB participated offline. […]

FK-FIKES Sambut Kolega Baru

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Setelah lebih dari 2 tahun sejak pandemi Covid–19, yang berakibat pada pelaksanaan kegiatan kemahasiswaan dan akademik dilaksanakan secara daring (online), di tahun ini Fakultas Kedokteran dan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Brawijaya bisa melaksanakan penerimaan dan Program Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus Mahasiwa Baru  (PK2Maba) secara luring. Rangkaian kegiatan ini […]

UB Held New Students Admission Ceremony

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a hybrid introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) for six days (16/8-21/8/2022). The implementation of PK2MB on the first day was attended by 500 students who attended directly at the Rectorate Field. While the remaining 15,179 students took part online. The Rector, Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., Med.Sc welcomes […]

FH UB Held PK2MABA by Bringing the Theme “intelligère”

Faculty of Law Universitas Brawijaya (FH UB) held an online Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PK2MABA) for two Saturdays (21/8,-22/8/2021). Then followed by KRIDA Student activities for 4 days. The event was opened by singing the anthem Indonesia Raya guided by Justicia Choir as a Semi-Autonomous Institute (LSO) which is engaged in voice […]

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