Tags: Pildek FIA

Andi Fefta Received the Most Votes in the Dean Election of FIA

Andi Fefta Wijaya won the most votes in the ​​Dean Election of FIA. In this activity Andi Fefta won 84 votes, while M.R. Khairul Muluk and Irwan Noor won 57 and two votes, respectively. In the vote count, the number of votes received was 144 out of 151 voters. Voting was conducted offline and took […]

Three Candidates Compete to Get the Position of Dean of FIA

Faculty of Administrative Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) holds a selection of Dean Candidates for the Period of 2021-2025. The screening is done since Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS will end his period on (6/6/2021). The Chairman of the Selection and Selection Committee, Dr. Hermawan, M.Si. explained that the Selection and Consideration committee has conducted […]

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