Tags: pengukuhan profesor ub

Prof. Barlah Rumhayati: Passive Sampling-PIM Method for Orthophosphate Monitoring

Prof. Barlah Rumhayati, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D was inaugurated as Professor in the Field of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Thursday (01/30/2025), at the Samantha Krida Building, Universitas Brawijaya (UB). She is the 32nd active Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and the 231st active Professor in UB, as well as the 407th Professor of […]

Prof. Solimun: Flexible and Adaptive Modeling (FAM) as a Development of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

Prof. Dr. Ir. Solimun, M.S was inaugurated as a Professor in the Field of Management Statistics, Thursday (01/30/2025), at the Samantha Krida Building, Universitas Brawijaya (UB). He is the 33rd active Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and the 232nd active Professor at UB, as well as the 408th Professor of all […]

Prof. Dr. Ir. Yulia Nuraini Designs Biorem-Lok Technique to Reduce Heavy Metal Pollution

Prof. Dr. Ir. Yulia Nuraini, MS was inaugurated as a professor in the field of Soil Microbiology at the Faculty of Agriculture (FP), Thursday, December 19, 2024, at the Samantha Krida Building. She is the 32nd active Professor at FP, and the 225th active Professor at UB, as well as the 400th Professor of all […]

Emulating the Prophet Muhammad, Prof. Suryadi Designs Prophetic Leadership Model

Prof. Dr. Drs. Suryadi, Ms was inaugurated as a professor in the field of Leadership Science at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) on Thursday, December 19, 2024, at the Samantha Krida Building. He is the 14th active Professor at FIA, and the 223rd active Professor at UB, as well as the 398th Professor of […]

Foto Dr. Iwan Permadi, S.H., M.Hum Saat Memberikan Orasi

Prof. Dr. Iwan Permadi Design Smart Agrarian Concept

Prof. Dr. Iwan Permadi, SH., M.Hum was inaugurated as a professor in the field of Agrarian Law at the Faculty of Law (FH) on Thursday, December 19, 2024, at the Samantha Krida Building. He is the 10th active Professor at the Faculty of Law and the 218th active Professor at UB, as well as the […]

Prof. Dr. Herly Evanuarini: Low-Fat Mayonnaise as Functional Food

Prof. Dr. Herly Evanuarini, S.Pt., MP was inaugurated as Professor in the Field of Animal Product Processing Technology at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Thursday (11/28/2024), at the Samantha Krida building, Universitas Brawijaya (UB). She is the 20th active Professor at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, and the 213th active Professor at UB, as well […]

Prof. Afifah Kusumadara: P3P Model For Dispute Resolution Based on Court Choice  

Prof. Afifah Kusumadara, SH. LL.M. SJD was inaugurated as Professor in the field of International Private Law, Thursday (11/28/2024), at the Samantha Krida building, Universitas Brawijaya (UB). She is the 9th active Professor at the Faculty of Law, and the 210th active Professor at UB, as well as the 386th Professor of all Professors that […]

UB Inaugurates Four New Professors

University of Brawijaya (UB) inaugurated four professors, Saturday (16/03/2024), at the Samantha Krida Building. They are Prof. Dr. Drs. Kadarisman Hidayat, M.Si from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA), Prof. Dr. Uun Yanuhar, S.Pi., M.Si from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK), Prof. Drs. Mohamad Muslikh, M.Si., Ph.D from the Faculty of Mathematics […]

Prof. Dr. Ir. Endah Rahayu Lestari, M.S is Inaugurated as the Professor in the Field of Agricultural Industrial Management  

Prof. Dr. Ir. Endah Rahayu Lestari, M.S was inaugurated on Tuesday (16/1/2024), at the Samantha Krida Building, Brawijaya University (UB). Shr is the 27th active Professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) and the 204th at UB, and is the 365th Professor of all Professors produced by UB. Prof. Endah was confirmed as a […]

Prof. Andriani Kusumawati, S.Sos., M.Si is Inaugurated as the Professor in the Field of Marketing Science

Prof. Andriani Kusumawati, S.Sos., M.Si was inaugurated on Tuesday (16/1/2024), at the Samantha Krida Building, Brawijaya University (UB). She was confirmed as a Professor in the field of Marketing Science at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA). Prof. Andriani is the 13th active Professor at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) and the 202nd at […]

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