Tags: pengabdian masyarakat

EM UB Bangun Rumah Batik Griya Cita Brawijaya Bagi Warga Desa Tawangsari

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Eksekutif Mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya (EM UB) membangun rumah batik Griya Cita Brawijaya bagi warga Desa Tawangsari, Kabupaten Malang, sebagai upaya mengembangkan potensi lokal masyarakat setempat. Ketua tim Herlin Sri Wahyuni menjelaskan, pembangunan rumah batik dalam rangkaian program kementerian Sosial Masyarakat (SOSMA) diharapkan bisa menjadi mata pencaharian baru […]

The Team of PPTTG UB Introduces Fumigation Technology to the Fisher in Sendang Biru

The PPTTG (Appropriate Technology Application Program) team of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) provides guidance for the fisher community of Sendang Biru in the form of alternative jobs that can be done if the fisher cannot go to sea. The briefing was carried out in the form of a workshop on the introduction of fish smoking technology […]

Supporting East Java Tourism, UB Creates the Directory of Cultural Arts

Observing the developing tourism industry, LPPM UB has found a potential contribution. In addition to the interests of East Java tourism, this program is also intended as a working map for the academic community in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. According to the Head of Community Service KKJF, LPPM-UB, Dr. Ir. Susinggih Wijana, […]

Lecturers of Fapet Disseminate the Role and Advantages of Dairy Products

Milk is an animal protein that contains various nutritional components, such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. These components can help the growth process, so consuming milk is highly recommended for babies and children. According to Lecturer of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB), Dr.Ir. Manik Eirry Sawitri, MS, the biological […]

FCS Supports ‘Puji Tirtha Suci’ in Mangliawan Village

The community service program of the lecturers of Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) chaired by Dr. Hipolitus Kristoforus Kewuel, does not just stop at the scheduled programs and activities. In addition to several programs designed together with the Village Administrators, the FCS Team also continues to support the cultural activity ‘Puji Tirtha […]

Diabetes Tak Dapat Disembuhkan, Tapi Bisa di Cegah

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Berdasarkan Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) Kementerian Kesehatan RI, terakhir tahun 2013 jumlah penduduk Indonesia yang memiliki penyakit diabetes militus sudah mencapai angka 9.1 juta jiwa dan jumlah ini terus bertambah dan diprediksi pada tahun 2030 akan mencapai 21.3 juta jiwa (Kemnkes, 2017). Untuk menanggulangi peningkatan penderita […]

LPPM UB Luncurkan Pusat Informasi Wisata Desa

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya bekerjasama dengan Dinas Pariwisata Kota Batu meluncurkan Pusat Informasi Wisata, Kamis (8/10/2020). PIW ini berkedudukan di Rest Area Desa Sidomulyo, Batu. Peluncuran Pusat Informasi Wisata ini sendiri merupakan kelanjutan dari Program Pengembangan Desa Mitra (PPDM) LPPM yang diketuai Dr. […]

UB Students Introduce BLAЄK PINTER to Middle School Students

Universitas Brawijaya students socialize innovations in reducing the amount of organic waste at SMPN 22 Malang City on September 14, 2020. The team of six people uses Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae as natural recyclers of organic waste. They considered these larvae have a high adaptability even in unfavorable conditions. These larvae have two major […]

Chemical Engineering Students Present Clean Water for Village in Lamongan

Clean water in settlements is a very crucial aspect that must be met. Efforts to fulfill this clean water must be carried out continuously for a long time. However, not all regions can meet this need for clean water. One of them is Karangbinangun Village, Lamongan Regency. The water sources that are widely used by […]

Aware of Santri’s Health, UB Lecturers Donate Digital Water Treatment Equipment

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) through Doktor Mengabdi  (DM) Program carried out community service activities at Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes, Islamic Boarding School) Nabawi Maftahul Uluum, Tuliskriyo Village, Sanankulon District, Blitar Regency on Sunday, September 6, 2020. Chaired by Zainul Abidin, ST., MT., M.Eng., Ph.D. (Faculty of Engineering) together with Eka Maulana, ST., MT., M.Eng. (Faculty of Engineering) […]

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