Tags: pengabdian masyarakat ub

UB Accompanies Podokoyo Village to Build Trail Adventure Tourism

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a Community Service program in Podokoyo Village, Wednesday (11/09/2024). This program is designed to assist residents in developing trail adventure tourism in the village. This program is a continuation of the good relationship between Podokoyo Village and UB that has been established since the Students Build Villages (MMD-UB) program in 2023. […]

Dream Class: Hemalia Kusumadewi and Team Invites Wongsorejo Teenagers to Prevent Early Marriage

Hemalia Kusumadewi, an International Relations student at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP UB) who is a member of Students Build Villages (MMD) 2024 group70 , initiated the Dream Class program for teenagers in Wongsorejo Village, Wongsorejo District, Banyuwangi Regency. This program aims to prevent early marriage which is a serious […]

FIKES UB’s Community Service

The Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) is a program to strengthen the capacity of students’ organization (Ormawa) which is implemented through the process of developing Ormawa by Higher Education Institutions which is realized in acts of service to village communities and community empowerment. Through the support of PPK Ormawa activities, it becomes a […]

BEM FKUB’s Community Service

After going through a series of long selection processes, the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program team for the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (PPK Ormawa BEM FK UB) which had passed the funding finally started a series of interventions for the people of Sumberejo Village, Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency. The […]

UB Sociology and WALHI East Java Help the Residents of Pandanrejo Village to Identify Potential Disaster

The Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP UB) held a Community Service entitled “Socialization of Potential Disasters in Tourism Areas”, Saturday (11/05/2024). This activity, which collaborates with the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (WALHI), was carried out in Pandanrejo Village, a tourist village famous for its garden tours and […]

Community Service: FMIPA UB Introduces AI for Teaching and Learning Process in Pasuruan

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held training on artificial intelligence (AI) application to prepare the Teaching and Learning Process (PBM) at SMA 1 Pasuruan. This activity is part of the Community Service (PKM) program for the dissemination of AI technology in society. The PKM team consists of five experts […]

Faculty of Medicine Provides Digital Stethoscope Training for Health Workers  at Gondanglegi Health Center

The Faculty of Medicine of Brawijaya University (FKUB) held training on the use of digital stethoscopes and mobile digital stethoscope applications independently for health workers at Gondanglegi Health Center, Malang Regency, Tuesday (06/02/2024). This activity is the realization of FKUB’s Community Service (PkM) program, a technology application scheme for PkM partner assisted villages. Training was […]

UB Berangkatkan 20 Mahasiswa Ekspedisi ke Aceh Singkil dan Sulawesi Tenggara

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Universitas Brawijaya (UB) melepas 20 mahasiswa untuk mengikuti program Ekspedisi Brawijaya, Jumat (6/10/2023). Mereka terbagi dalam dua tim. Tim pertama akan melakukan ekspedisi di Pulau Banyak, Kabupaten Aceh Singkil, Provinsi Aceh, dan tim kedua ke Desa Marga Karya, Kecamatan Kulisusu Barat, Kabupaten Buton Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara. Koordinator […]

Faculty of Health Sciences UB Educates Community Groups at Risk of DM in Malang City

As part of the responsibility for social problems in society, especially those related to the risk of diabetes mellitus (DM), lecturers at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Brawijaya University (FIKes UB) carry out community service activities with the theme “Risk Screening and Education Package for Diabetes Mellitus in the Family Altar (FA) Group in Malang […]

MMD UB di Desa Patean Sumenep Latih Masyarakat Maksimalkan Teknologi Digital

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Kurangnya pemanfaatan penggunaan teknologi digital di Desa Patean, Kecamatan Batuan, Kabupaten Sumenep terutama dalam penggunaan perangkat lunak menjadi salah satu perhatian khusus. Hal tersebut menjadi dasar dalam terlaksananya program Pelatihan Keterampilan Penggunaan Software Microsoft Office oleh Kelompok 996 Mahasiswa Membangun 1000 Desa Universitas Brawijaya (MMD UB) di […]

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