Tags: Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Raising Awareness on the Importance of Good Neighborly Relations in Puncak Permata Sengkalang Housing Complex

To promote awareness about the importance of fostering good relationships with neighbors, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) conducted a community service program at Puncak Permata Sengkalang Housing Complex, Sumbersekar, Dau, Malang. The program targeted the women of Dasawisma Kunyit 2, RT 03/RW 06, focusing on preventing conflicts among residents in the neighborhood. The community service team, led […]

FISIP UB Initiates Innovative Policy Breakthroughs in Batu City through Policy Labs

The Community Service Team from the Lecturers of the Political Science Study Program, FISIP Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in the Hall of the Animal Husbandry Training Center (BBPP) Batu City, Monday (7/10/2024) to develop the Policy Labs design to support the development of regional innovation within the Batu City Government. […]

Kesenian Kuda Lumping di Desa Mentaraman

Exploring the Art of Kuda Lumping in Mentaraman Village by KKN FCS X FISIP 2024

FISIP-FCS Berbakti Desa (FBD) Jantra Universitas Brawijaya (UB) is one of the student community service programs. In this program, UB collaborates two faculties, namely the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), with a total of 82 community service groups in different service locations. Participants from FBD Jantra […]

Sosialisasi Budidaya Maggot bagi warga desa Patokpicis, Wajak.

Supporting Circular Economy, FEB UB Community Service Team Introduces Maggot Cultivation in Wajak

Patokpicis Village is a village with a majority of residents who work as farmers and livestock breeders. In this village, each resident has an average of 1 to 2 cows. This village is also known as a producer of chicken eggs. These two potentials have the opportunity to improve the quality of life of the […]

Preventing Domestic Violence, BKBH FH Holds Socialization at PT Penamas Nusa Prima

The Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University (FH UB) held community service activities through the Legal Assistance and Consultation Agency (BKBH) at PT Penamas Nusa Prima on (21/3/2024). The event with the theme “Socialization of the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Legal Assistance Mechanisms through BKBH” is a concrete step in expanding public understanding to the […]

 FPIK UB Lecturers Apply Circular Economy Concept in Waste Controlling in Kondangmerak Fishing Village

Starting from the concern of a team of lecturers from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) UB regarding the presence of rubbish on Kondang Merak Beach, the idea arose to submit a proposal for Community Service with the title Application of Circular Economy Concepts in Waste Management to Support the Green Economy in […]

FCS UB Encourages the Japanese Language Learning through Ehon Media

Beginning from the lack of Japanese language education for junior high school students in Indonesia as the effect of limited learning media that are suitable to the level of junior high school students in Indonesia, the Community Service Team Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya (FCS UB) from the Study Programme of Japanese Literature (SPJL) […]

FCS UB Encourages the Japanese Language Learning through Ehon Media

Beginning from the lack of Japanese language education for junior high school students in Indonesia as the effect of limited learning media that are suitable to the level of junior high school students in Indonesia, the Community Service Team Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya (FCS UB) from the Study Programme of Japanese Literature (SPJL) […]

FCS UB Develops School Literacy Movement at SDKr YBPK Ngaglik Malang

The Community Service Team Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya (FCS UB) carried out a series of literacy development activities at YBPK Ngaglik Christian Elementary School (SDKr), Malang. In the 4th year of mentoring for the Literacy Movement at the SDKr YBPK Ngaglik, the FCS UB Community Service Team held creative writing workshops for teachers, […]

UB Lecturers Collaborate with BUMDES to Develop Probolinggo Coffee

The team of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) lecturers who are members of the Strategic Community Service (PKMS) cooperates with Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) Krucil, Krucil District, Probolinggo Regency to increase insight and knowledge in developing coffee products which are local commodities of the area. One of the team members, Ir. Endra Yuafanedi Arifianto, ST. MT. said, […]

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