The MMD 521 group carried out a tree planting action together with Lumajang Forest Service Branch. Taking place at the tree planting location on Joli Reservoir which is one of the water sources in Sidomulyo village, the event was the result of collaboration between MMD 521 group, the village community and Lumajang Forestry Service Branch. […]
In commemoration of the Islamic New Year 1 Muharram 1445 H in Mbodo Hamlet, Ngebruk Village, Sumberpucung District, Malang Regency, a special event was held which lasted from morning to evening. This event was attended by all residents of Mbodo Hamlet, including children, teenagers and even adults. In addition, the 132 Brawijaya University MMD 1000 […]
In order to encourage and support Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to obtain halal certification, the Students Build Village (MMD) Group 345, which consists of Brawijaya University students, held an education and outreach program regarding halal certification at the Resapombo Village Hall. This event was attended by 32 MSMEs from the region. From the […]
Students Build Village Group 853 in Bogoarum Village carried out a social initiative by immortalizing the origins of Bogoarum Village through bookkeeping activities. This activity aims to preserve the cultural and historical heritage of Bogoarum Village and provide a deeper understanding of the rich cultural roots in the community. With a spirit of togetherness and […]
The group of Students Build Villages (MMD) 853 Universitas Brawijaya (UB) introduced simple nutritious food in collaboration with the students of Bogoarum 2 State Elementary School in the creative activity “Practice Making Jasuke Together” to increase understanding of the importance of healthy eating patterns from an early age. This method is part of the MMD […]
Kedungmentawar Village, which is located in Ngimbang District, Lamongan Regency, has an area that is mostly rice fields. The majority of the population work as farmers. However, most young people in Kedungmentawar Village prefer to work in other ways or migrate outside the area rather than working as farmers. Based on this problem, the 940 […]
Students of the MMD 1000 Villages Universitas Brawijaya held a work program entitled “Training Based on Increasing Local Resources in Making Eggplant Commodity Innovation Processed Products”, Wednesday (12/07/2023) to make a positive contribution to the local community regarding increasing local resources (eggplant) in making the innovation products Based on the potential exists in Pilanggede Village, […]
Student Build Village Group 626 held outreach and deliberations related to “Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) Initiation in Paguan Village” at Paguan Village Hall so that an agreement was created by the village community to establish BUMDes in accordance with Government Regulation Number 11 of 2021. This activity begins with the socialization of the establishment of […]
Students of the 954 group of MMD-1000 villages held a waste bank socialization to PKK Banjaran MMD Village women in Banjaran Village, Driyorejo District, Gresik Regency, Friday (14/7/2023) to provide information regarding waste banks as an alternative solution to overcoming waste and landfill problems in Banjaran Village. One of the main waste problems is air […]
Group 476 of Students Build Village (MMD) Universitas Brawijaya, Malang installed disaster-prone maps, evacuation route signs, and evacuation points in Gemaharjo Trenggalek Village which is vulnerable to landslides. This effort was carried out after the team conducted a survey for about two weeks with village officials and the local RT regarding locations prone to landslides […]