Tags: LPPM

LPPM Holds Workshop on Increasing Literacy in Predatory Journal

The Brawijaya University’s Research and Quality Assurance Institute (LPPM UB) held a workshop with the theme “Identifying Avoiding a Predatory, Hijacked, and Cloned Journal Publishing” at F Building, 7th Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) (22/02). This activity was carried out to increase the understanding of UB academic community in choosing a good journal […]

Web of Science Hearing at UB

Brawijaya University held a Hearing on Improving the Quality and Strategy of Scientific Publications in International Journals with Clarivate Analytics, Tuesday (28/11/2023). Clarivate Analytics is a company that has Web of Science services which is based in Singapore. Meanwhile, Web of Science is the largest database containing abstracts and citation databases from peer-reviewed literature throughout […]

IRCS Held OJS 2 to OJS 3 Workshop and Journal Strengthening Consignment

The Institute for Research and Community Service, Brawijaya University (LPPM UB) has successfully held the “OJS 2 to OJS 3 Workshop & UB IRCS Journal Strengthening Consignment” which took place for two days on (22/9 – 23/9/2023), at the Aston Inn, Batu. This event is a progressive step taken by UB IRCS to increase the […]

Directorate General of Higher Education Held Monitoring and Evaluation to 25 Teams of Matching Fund Program

Entering the third year of implementing the Matching Fund program, the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology hopes that participation from universities and stakeholders will increase with the increase in proposals that have been submitted. This year, it is also necessary to develop research implementation by universities so that they can produce products […]

UB Ambil Bagian dalam Pembentukan Konsorsium Kopi Internasional

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Universitas Brawijaya (UB) terlibat dalam inisiasi Konsorsium Kopi Internasional yang dibentuk dalam International Symposium on The Establishment of Coffee Consortium, yang berlangsung di IPB International Convention Center, Botani Square Building, Bogor (4/6 – 5/6/2023). Konsorsium ini merupakan sinergi antara Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbudristek), bersama […]

Foto Rektor UB, Husein Bin Ja'far Al Hadar, Ketua LPPM, dan Ketua Program MMD 1000 Desa

Habib Husein Jafar Berpesan Mahasiswa Jangan Jadi Menara Gading

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Universitas Brawijaya (UB) menggelar doa bersama menjelang pelaksanaan Mahasiswa Membangun Desa (MMD) 1000 Desa. Kegiatan yang dihadiri sebanyak kurang lebih 2000 mahasiswa tersebut mengundang Habib Husein Bin Ja’far Al Hadar, S.Fil.I., M.Ag dan dilaksanakan di Lapangan Rektorat, Sabtu (10/6/2023). Husein Bin Ja’far Al Hadar, S.Fil.I., M.Ag dalam […]

Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MP.

LPPM Held First Briefing for Students Build Village

LPPM Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held the first briefing activity for Students Build Villages or MMD. The activity was held to socialize about the technical implementation of MMD and the provision of Ethics, Leadership and Communication in the Village Community. The activity was carried out online Saturday (1/4/2023). Head of LPPM UB, Prof. Luchman Hakim, S.Si., […]

Center for Environmental Studies LPPM Proposes the Management of Malang Slums

Center for Environmental Studies LPPM UB started community service activities in the Coaching Clinic National Slum Upgrading Project (NSUP) City without Slums Program (KOTAKU) in March 2023. The activities facilitated by Malang City Regional Development Planning Agency were held in order to increase understanding and skills in preparing planning documents (master plan, site plan) and […]

UB Student Community Service Targets  1.000 Villages in East Java

The student service program (Pengmas) Building Villages (MMD) which is a mandatory subject for students of class 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 targets 1000 villages in the East Java region, with a total of 14,000 students participating. Vice Head of MMD Program, Yusron Sugiarto, S.T.P., MP, M.Sc., Ph.D said, MMD was made so that there […]

Muhammad Fachri, S.STPi, Msi, selaku Direktur Advokasi dan Kerjasama Desa dan Perdesaan

Director of Village and Rural Advocacy and Cooperation: Campus Plays Role in Facilitating Village Empowerment

Pentahelix synergy is needed to accelerate village development. This was conveyed by Muhammad Fachri, S.STPi, Msi, as the Director of Village and Rural Advocacy and Cooperation, Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration when giving a presentation in the Student Coordination and Synchronization Workshop on Building 1000 Villages, online this morning. According to […]

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