Tags: lp3m ub

Evaluating Work Program, P3AP Held FGD

As a form of evaluation to the activities as well as guidelines for the planned activities in 2022, the Center for Academic and Professional Education Development, Universitas Brawijaya held a Management Review Focus Group Discussion. This activity was held on Saturday (11/30/2021) at Ubud Hotel with strict health protocols. This activity, according to the Chair […]

Tingkatkan Mutu Lulusan, UB Mulai Siapkan Sertifikat Kompetensi Mahasiswa Sebagai Graduate Attribute

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Sebagai upaya dalam mengembangkan diri dalam menempuh pendidikan di jenjang perkuliahan, tentunya tidak cukup hanya dengan mengasah keilmuan melalui proses belajar secara akademik semata saja, namun perlu pertimbangan  pada unsur akademik yang lain, seperti kemampuan di kompetensi  dan profesi.  Tentunya dengan adanya sertifikasi tersebut, mahasiswa akan memiliki standard keilmuan, […]

Diversity School by Warga Karta Study Group FCS UB

The study on the issue of citizenship and multiculturalism encourages the lecturers of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) as the members of the Warga Karta Study Group, in collaboration with LP3M UB, to organize the Diversity School. According to the head of Warga Karta Study Group, Dr. Hipolitus K. Kewuel, this […]

UB Improves the Servant Leadership

The Institute for Educational Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a webinar on Servant Leadership Based on Excellent Service Standards and Flexible Work Space Innovation, Tuesday (31/8/2021). The activity is carried out online using Zoom application. Presented as presenters were the Secretary General of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education and […]

The Importance of Attending Behavior for Academic Supervisor in Understanding College Students

In order to help finding solutions to problems faced by students, the academic supervisor lecturers require several skills, such as being able to understand and observe problems, attending behavior, and the ability to empathize. This is necessary to foster a sense of trust for students, so that students can be open to the problems they […]

Prinsip dan Praktik Agile Organization untuk Perguruan Tinggi

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Pendidikan tinggi berfungsi untuk membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan bangsa. Dalam menjalankan fungsinya, pendidikan tinggi menghadapi berbagai tantangan, terutama persaingan global. Untuk itu diperlukan semangat akademik yang dinamis, serta sistem administratif yang suportif, sehingga terwujud sivitas akademika yang inovatif, responsif, kreatif, terampil, […]

LP3M Held Training to Improve the PLP Competence

The Center for Education Management Development (P2MP), Institute for Educational Development and Quality Assurance, Universitas Brawijaya (LP3M-UB) held a Basic Competency Training for Educational Laboratory Staff (PLP). This online training was held for two days, Wednesday-Thursday (25-26 / 11/2020). This activity was attended by PLP and laboratory assistants who will become PLP candidates. The Chair […]

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