Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Sebanyak 22 mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik (KKNT) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) melakukan sejumlah penelitian di kebun Kopi Kelurahan Gombengsari Kabupaten Banyuwangi selama 30 hari (11/7-9/8/2022). Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi hama dan penyakit pada tanaman kopi karena sering gagal panen dan terjadi penurunan […]
A total of 19 students who are members of the Group 46 KKN-T of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) provides counseling to MSME actors in Dengkol Village, Singosari District, Malang Regency about Digital Marketing (20/6-18/7/2022). The lack of understanding of MSME actors in Dengkol Village in taking advantage of opportunities and their unpreparedness to […]
The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FPIK-UB) once again held a Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKN). This time there are 719 students who will help villages in coastal areas to develop village’s potential. The release activity of FPIK UB Thematic KKN student was held on Sunday, July 24, 2022 in the yard […]
UB KKN-T students cooperate with PKK women in Sumberejo Village, Poncokusumo District in developing superior products to increase food diversification made from coffee and taro. The series of superior product development activities of Sumberejo Village have been carried out on (10/7-16/7/2022). The activity began with socialization aimed at PKK and Fatayat NU women in Sumberejo […]
A total of 702 students of the Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM UB) were officially released by the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Sc., PhD. Med.Sc who will carry out community service activities through the Thematic Real Work Lecture program (KKN-T) in five sub-districts in Malang Regency, Monday (18/7/2022). This KKN-T activity will […]