Tags: kemahasiswaan


Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Universitas Brawijaya (UB) mengadakan Pekan Seni Mahasiswa (PEKSIMA) di Ruang Jamuan lantai 6 Gedung Kantor Pusat pada (26/8-27/8/2020). Sebanyak 186 peserta dari berbagai fakultas di UB berkompetisi dalam ajang ini. Adapun bidang kesenian yang dilombakan meliputi vokal solo pop, seriosa, keroncong, dangdut, baca puisi, penulisan cerpen, penulisan […]

The Pagur Eksekutif is now being widely used by fish farmers in Kediri

UB Students Made an Inexpensive Fish Pellets

Students of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences PSDKU (Study Program Outside the Main Campus) Aquaculture Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Kediri have been innovating a gourami feed from natural ingredients called PAGUR EKSEKUTIF (Pakan Gurami EKonomis, SEhat, berKUalitas, dan efekTIF) or Gourami Feed that is Economical, Healthy, Quality, and Effective. Initially, this innovation was included […]

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