Tags: kemahasiswaan ub

UB Marching Band Won the Champions in Raja Hamengku Buwono X Cup

Another proud achievement was brought home by Universitas Brawijaya students. This time, the Marching Band Ekalavya Swara Brawijaya won eight titles in the Marching Band Championship of Raja Hamengku Buwono X Cup 2022. This competition was participated by various marching band teams from various regions in Indonesia. In this competition, according to Fanny Rahmadhani as […]

Preventing Sexual Violence and Bullying, UB Held FGD PPKS

To create a sense of security for the civitas from acts of bullying and sexual violence, Universitas Brawijaya launched the Task Force for the Prevention of Bullying and Sexual Violence. This team is in the Center for Counseling, Prevention of Sexual Violence and Bullying. This team was introduced to the Student Counseling Agency in the […]

Closing of the 16th of PEKSIMINAS, Minister of Education and Culture : Enthusiasm to Keep Trying

The 16th National Student Art Week 2022 has finished. The closing procession as well as the announcement of the winners was held on Friday morning (28/10/2022) lively, at Samanta Krida Building, Universitas Brawijaya. The event was attended by participants, assistants, jury and representatives from the Regional Indonesian Student Art Management Board and the Indonesian Talent […]

34 Pelantun Keroncong Bertanding di UB

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Peksiminas (Pekan Seni Mahasiswa Nasional) untuk tangkai menyanyi keroncong  dilaksanakan di Gedung Ruang Jamuan Rektorat, Universitas Brawijaya. Selama dua hari, 18 peserta putri dan 16 peserta putra akan unjuk kemampuan di hadapan tiga orang dewan juri, yaitu Imoeng Mulyadi Cahyo Raharjo, Uut Salsabila dan Eni Suhartini. Peserta […]

UB Juara Umum PEKSIMIDA 2022

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Gelaran Pekan Seni Mahasiswa Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2022 telah selesai. Penutupan kompetisi minat dan bakat ini dilaksanakan secara hybrid pada Sabtu (3/9/2022) bertempat di Gedung Rektorat, Universitas Brawijaya dan melalui video conference. Penutupan kali ini sekaligus mengumumkan pemenang dari tiap cabang lomba yang di selenggarakan […]

Mahasiswa FPIK UB Juarai PEKSIMIDA Tangkai Menyanyi keroncong

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Peksimida (Pekan Seni Mahasiswa Daerah) Jawa Timur untuk tangkai menyanyi keroncong  dilaksanakan di Universitas Brawijaya, tepatnya di Gedung Ruang Jamuan Rektorat Lantai 6. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama dua hari, yakni tanggal 29 Agustus hingga 30 Agustus. Adinda Kirana Ramadhanty Putri selaku perwakilan dari Universitas Brawijaya yang mendapat […]

Integrasikan Data, Kemahasiswaan UB Luncurkan SIBEA dan SIPMA

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Untuk mengintegrasikan informasi beasiswa dan prestasi bagi mahasiswa, Kemahasiswaan Universitas Brawijaya meluncurkan Sistem Informasi Beasiswa dan Sistem Informasi Prestasi Mahasiswa (SIBEA dan SIPMA). Peluncuran ini dilaksanakan pada Jumat (28/7/2022) di Gedung Widyaloka, Universitas Brawijaya. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh perwakilan Eksekutif Mahasiswa dan Badan Ekesekutif Mahasiswa fakultas serta […]

FCS Becomes the General Champion of MTQ XV UB 2022

After completing a series of competitions in Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran XV, the Faculty of Cultural Studies was titled as the General Champion. The awarding of the winners was held on Sunday (20/6/2022) at the Auditorium of G Building, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya. This MTQ activity, according to the General Chairperson of the Religious […]

Show off your Skills at MTQ XV UB

The series of Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran XV UB competition has started. After being officially opened last Thursday, as many as six branches of the competition have started to be competed today. The competitions were held at several points, such as Widyaloka Building, Samanta Krida Building, Faculty of Animal Husbandry Meeting Room, MIPA Banquet Center, Widyaloka […]

The Opening Ceremony of MTQ UB: Optimizing Potentials for the Benefit of the People

As a form of Loving Qur’an, Universitas Brawijaya through the Directorate of Student Affairs, Alumni and Student Entrepreneurship and the Religious Arts Student Activity Unit held a Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran XV. This event is held in a hybrid method from Friday to Sunday (17-19/6/2022) in several locations, and is opened. According to Muhammad Gibran Al […]

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