The Archives Unit of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) on Saturday (6/29/2024) to Sunday (7/7/2024) held Wis-Sudah Universitas Brawijaya Exhibition which displayed various documentation photos of Universitas Brawijaya graduation ceremonies from the 1970s to 2024, documentation photos of UB’s achievements, to an exhibition of graduation memorabilia such as gordons and togas worn in the graduation procession in […]
Universitas Brawijaya (UB) receives a visit from the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Manpower Placement Development and Employment Opportunity Expansion of the Ministry of Manpower (SETDITJEN BINAPENTA KEMNAKER), Thursday (07/07/2022), in the Archives Center building. Sub-coordinator of Letters and Archives of the Directorate General of Binapenta, Irlian Ledy Novia, said that this visit was […]
Universitas Brawijaya (UB) in collaboration with Indonesian Higher Education Archives Association (PAPTI) held the 3rd PAPTI Insight Meeting. This activity was held right on PAPTI’s 4th birthday, on Wednesday (21/04/2021). Held online, this activity was attended by the General Chairperson of PAPTI, Prof. Dr. Nandang Alamsah Deliarnoor, S.H. M.Hum, Secretary of PAPTI, Sandi Ruswandi, ST., […]
Archives that are created from activities of state institutions and activities that use state funds are declared as state-owned archives. It means, archives in state universities, in this case Universitas Brawijaya (UB) cannot be managed according to their own will, but need to be managed according to the applicable rules. This was conveyed by Associate […]