Tags: kampus tangguh

Preventing COVID-19, UB Faculties Distribute Supplementary Gifts

A number of faculties in Universitas Brawijaya (UB) routinely provide supplements for staff, lecturers, and leaders to prevent the spread of COVID-19. For example, the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) routinely provides supplements in the form of propolis honey to 37 employees who often meet students face to face. Vice Dean II of FTP Dr. […]

Resilient Campus Task Force: UB Academic Community Must Obey the Health Protocol

By the increased cases in almost all areas, especially in Malang Raya, it resulted an increase in cases on campus. Data from the Resilient Campus Task Force from July to December 2020 stated that 75 lecturers and education staff were confirmed positive for Covid-19. This was explained by the Head of the Resilient Campus Implementation […]

UB Clinic Receives PPE form BNI

In the midst of Covid-19 virus pandemic, many medical service centers require Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for patient treatment. BNI Branch Universitas Brawijaya Office has again shown its concern in helping medical and health personnel in handling Covid-19. One of the concrete form is by donating Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to medical personnel at Universitas […]

Antisipasi Cipratan Aerosol, Mahasiswa UB Ciptakan VOS-DENT

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Penyakit infeksi coronavirus (COVID)-19 merupakan jenis human coronavirus (hCoV) yang menyebabkan berbagai masalah di Indonesia saat ini. World Health Organization (WHO) mengatakan penyakit ini dapat menular melalui udara (airborne) yaitu penyebaran agen infeksius oleh aerosol. Inhalasi aerosol dan cipratan yang terdiri dari darah, bakteri, air liur serta […]

Lecturer of FP UB Receives Award as the Innovator of Kampung Tangguh

Lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya (FP UB) Mangku Purnomo, S.P., M.Sc., Ph.D received an award from Malang Regent for his contribution to the development of Kampung Tangguh (Resilient Village). The award was given in commemoration of National Health Day, Saturday (21/11/2020). Acting Regent of Malang, Drs. Muhammad Ghulam., M.M., gave appreciation to […]

The Apparatus Readiness to Face Governance Crisis Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

The Public Administration Masters Program held a Webinar “Strategic Management in Increasing Apparatus Readiness to Face Governance Crisis Due to COVID-19”, Tuesday (12/11/2020). This activity aims to socialize or find out the strategies of government institutions that are facing a crisis due to COVID. The lecturer of Public Policy, Fadillah Putra, M.PAff, Ph.D, said that […]

UB, A Campus with the Most Patent Applications During the Pandemic

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) received an award from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property as the university with the most applied for patents during the pandemic period. Head of Sentra HKI Prof. Dr. Ir. Elok Zubaidah, M.P., Thursday (5/11) said that 132 patents were applied during the pandemic. Under UB, there are ITB and UM, each […]

In Facing the COVID-19, UB Students Create ALERTA to Food Fortification

Malang is famous for its apple production which is dominated by Manalagi apples. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency of Malang Regency, the number of apples in 2019 reached 140,617,300 kg. In general, apples are only consumed directly or processed into apple chips, while the apple chips industry produces 2 tons of apple […]

FPIK Lecturers Help Increasing the Productivity of UKM Gresik during the Pandemic Period

Pangkahkulon is one of the center village of processed fishery products, especially fish crackers in Gresik Regency. In this village there are approximately 68 fish cracker UKMs with a superior product, namely payus fish crackers which taste very distinctive and savory. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, these cracker-producing UKM experienced a decline in production in […]

FKH Held International Seminar Entitled “One Health”

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB) had successfully held an international seminar entitled 3rd International Conference on One Health (ICOH). The conference which lasted for two days (30 / 10-31 / 10/2020), with the big theme “Veterinary Science Innovations for Ecosystem Health and Resilience”, was a series of activities to commemorate the […]

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