Tags: kampus tangguh

Lomba Menggambar memperingati Hari Pangan Sedunia Tahun 2022

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Sebanyak 150 peserta yang terdiri dari 75 siswa Sekolah Dasar dan 75 siswa Sekolah Menegah Pertama dari berbagai daerah di Malang Raya pada Minggu (23/10/2022) mengikuti Lomba Menggambar memperingati Hari Pangan Sedunia Tahun 2022. Kegiatan lomba yang dipusatkan di Auditorium Algoritma Fiilkom UB ini merupakan salah satu […]

Smart CCTV COVID-19 Helps Detecting Violators of Health Protocols

Five students from Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Alfian Fitrayansyah (FT’19), Affan Affandi (FT’18), Akmal Adnan Attamami (FMIPA’18), Muchammad Nasyruddin Hakim (FT’18), and Muhammad Lutfi Ardiansyah (FPIK’18) under the guidance of Raden Arief Setyawan, ST., MT. making innovation “Smart Mapping System for The Potential Spread of COVID-19 via CCTV on The Road Based on Computer Vision and […]

UB Tetapkan Kuliah Daring Semester Depan

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Melihat tingginya kasus COVID-19, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) memutuskan untuk melakukan sistem perkuliahan secara daring. Hal ini sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Rektor Nomer 6237/UN10/TU/2021 tentang Perkuliahan Tahun Akademik 2021/2022. Dalam SE tersebut menyebutkan bahwa Perkuliahan Tahun Akademik 2021/2022 dilakukan secara daring meliputi proses belajar mengajar, bimbingan, kuliah kerja/praktik […]

FILKOM Lecturers and Employees Received Vaccines

A total of 168 FILKOM employees received first phase vaccination on Monday (24/5/2021). This activity aims to support government programs to suppress the spread and transmission of the COVID-19 corona virus. The first batch of vaccination was carried out at Samantha Krida Building, Universitas Brawijaya from 11.00 to 13.00 WIB. Meanwhile, the second batch is […]

UB Task Force Invites Academic Community to Succeed the Covid-19 Vaccination Program

In order to support the success of the Covid-19 vaccination program, Universitas Brawijaya through the Covid-19 Prevention Control Task Force held another vaccination campaign. This activity was carried out on Thursday (20/5/2020) via video conference media to the academic community of Universitas Brawijaya Presented as the speaker, Dr. dr. Gatot Soegiarto, Sp.PD, K.Al, FINASIM, FEEACI, […]

UB Research : COVID-19 Retards Remittances of Migrant Workers from Malang

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic has slowed down remittances to Malang area or the origin of the migrant workers, due to the delay in providing salaries for a number of workers, so they cannot send money to their families in Indonesia. Researchers from Universitas Brawijaya (UB), namely Faishal Aminuddin, Saseendran Pallikadavath, Sujarwoto, Keppi Sukesi and […]

Dozens of Lecturers and FILKOM Staff Take Antibody Rapid Test

A total of 52 lecturers and educational staff / staff of the Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM) who work in the office (WFO) take the Antibody Rapid Test. This activity is to fulfill Universitas Brawijaya Rector’s Instruction Number 497 / UN10 / TU / 2021 concerning Limiting Campus Activities in Universitas Brawijaya. This is also […]

UB Library Won the 3rd Place in EVALIA Award FPPTI East Java

UB Library won third place in the East Java Academic Library Innovation Award (EVALIA) organized by the East Java FPPTI (Indonesian State University Library Forum). In this category, the first and second place winners were won by Ciputra University and Widya Mandala Catholic University. During the pandemic there were several innovations that have been implemented […]

MRP Held Dzikir, Khotmil Quran, and Donations

In a series of commemoration of Universitas Brawijaya’s 58th Anniversary, Raden Patah Mosque, Universitas Brawijaya(MRP UB) held Dzikir, Khotmil Quran, and Donations on Thursday (17/12/2020) which was broadcasted live via Zoom Meeting and live streaming of You Tube. Donation is given to orphans in ten orphanages in Malang Raya, Islamic boarding schools, and TPQ. The […]

UB Will be Conducting Online Learning for the Next Semester

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) will still conduct online learning in the next semester due to the COVID-19 pandemic which is still spreading. Vice Rector I for Academic Affairs Prof. Aulanni’am explained that online learning is still carried out in synchronous and asynchronous forms. “Synchronous Learning is learning online at the same time, learning directly, and being […]

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