Universitas Brawijaya welcomed representatives from Shinshu University, Japan. The delegation, which visited the blue campus, included Prof. Shinichi Yonekura (Vice President for International Affairs) and Dr. Mitsuru Hamano (Director of the Center for Global Education and Collaboration). Their arrival was greeted by UB’s Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Imam Santoso, MP, and Vice […]
University of St. Andrews, a small campus in the beautiful country of Scotland, carries a global academic reputation. Although only about one-seventh of the University’s student body is currently studying there, the University of St. Andrews has a tradition of education, research, and culture that attracts students from many countries. This was revealed during the […]
The University of Rhode Island (URI) collaborates with Brawijaya University (UB) in organizing Masters and Graduate Certificate programs. This was conveyed by the Director, Business and Education Partnerships, Brook Williams Ross, in his presentation in front of UB leadership and lecturers, Thursday (18/1). The presentation by the campus session located in the United States was […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Pada Senin (13/3) Direktorat Kerjasama dan Internasionalisasi Universitas Brawijaya (UB) melaksanakan kegiatan Sosialisasi Eduplan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di Ruang sidang Lantai 8 Gedung Rektorat UB dan juga dilaksanakan secara daring oleh mahasiswa UB. Kegiatan dibuka langsung oleh Direktur Kerjasama dan Internasionalisasi Dr Agung Sugeng Widodo PhD. Hadir sebagai […]
Welcoming the change to Legal Entity Higher Education (PTNBH), now Universitas Brawijaya starts improving to create a more advanced, efficient and interrelated information service system from university to faculty level. Likewise International Office (IO) which has been managing various activities related to mobility, staff, students and cooperation within UB. So far, the information and databases […]
Universitas Brawijaya (UB) and the Directorate of Higher Education (Dikti) open wide opportunities for students in fourth to seven semesters to study at a number of foreign universities that are included in the QS100. In the socialization which was held via zoom, Saturday (15/5/2021) Karuniawan Puji Wicaksono, PhD explained that Indonesia International Students Mobility Award […]