Tags: ilmu komunikasi ub

Communication Science Launches ‘Kampoeng Heritage Retropolitan Kajoetangan’

The Department of Communication Science, FISIP Universitas Brawijaya officially launched a new branding for one of the thematic villages in Malang City. They named this branding Kampoeng Heritage Retropolitan Kajoetangan. The launch was carried out on the 7th floor of C Building FISIP UB, Monday (14/3/2022). Secretary of the Department of Communication Science, FISIP UB, […]

Anticipating the School Cluster, UB Lecturer Creates Audio Visual Media for School

Face-to-face Learning (PTM) schools are reported to have led to clusters of the spread of Covid-19 in various regions. This condition really needs to be watched out as the emergence of a new variant of Omicron which is claimed to be more contagious. According to two researchers from the Department of Communication Science, Faculty of […]

Master of Communication Science Tries to Get ACEJMC International Accreditation

Master of Communication Science Universitas Brawijaya (UB) is currently preparing to take part in the International Accreditation of ACEJMC (Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications). Considering that ACEJMC is included in the international accreditation category of CHEA (the Council for Higher Education Accreditation) and is recognized for its quality by the Directorate […]

Becoming ‘Joko’ of Malang Regency, UB Communication Student Looks at Tourism 5.0

UB Communications student, Ferdian Candra Maulana feels grateful that he can be chosen as Joko of Malang Regency 2021. Because he admits that this is the first time he has participated in the event. “Of course I feel Alhamdulillah, I am grateful that I can be given the trust to become Joko of Malang Regency […]

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