Tags: IKA UB

IKA UB Commitment Together to Help Alumni and Build the Country

In commemoration of the 61st Anniversary of Brawijaya University (UB), UB Alumni Association (IKA) carried out activities at UB Samantha Kridha Building. The activity carried out was the “61st Brawijaya University Anniversary Alumni Gathering “, on Saturday (16/12). The activity was opened by the General Chairperson of IKA UB for the 2023-2027 period, Ir. Mohammad […]

FISIP UB Alumni Gathering: Stay Connected, Building Synergies

The Department of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Brawijaya University (FISIP UB) held an Alumni Gathering entitled “Stay Connected, Building Synergies” in Jakarta, Friday (24/11/2023). This activity was held as an opportunity to synergize to develop networks with FISIP UB Communication Science graduates. Present at this event was the General Chair of […]

The First Halalbihalal of Alumni Association of Universitas Brawijaya After the Pandemic

Alumni Association of Universitas Brawijaya (IKA UB) and Faculty of Law Alumni Association (IKA FH) Universitas Brawijaya collaborated in organizing Halalbihalal Alumni event on May 28, 2022 at The Sultan Hotel Jakarta starting at 18.30 WIB. The culture of friendship wrapped in close gatherings between alumni in celebrating Eid this year invites all alumni in […]

Ahmad Sadat: Capital is not the Main Thing for Entrepreneur

Access to capital is not the most important thing for an entrepreneur, but a mindset. With the right mindset, it will encourage someone to want to continue learning so that they can become qualified human resources, dare to execute business ideas, never give up easily, and are willing to learn from failure. If this mindset […]

The Last Day of IKA UB Jakarta Vaccination Center Collaborates with PSF and IDI EMT Reach 3000 Doses

Jakarta 16/8/2021 – The vaccination center in collaboration with IKA UB, Pancoran Soccer Field (PSF), and IDI EMT has officially ended. This vaccination acceleration program has been held since Monday, August 2, 2021 at PSF, South Jakarta for 10 days. There are more than 300 participants who registered through IKA UB link, while the total […]

IKA UB Held Webinar and Socialization of Program and Activity of COVID-19 Task Force

Universitas Brawijaya Alumni Association (IKA UB) socializes the program and activities of the COVID task force through webinars.   The activity entitled uniting power to fight the epidemic: IKA UB humanitarian activity for COVID-19 pandemic presented speakers from the COVID-19 task force volunteers from both Malang and Jabodetabek areas and also the medical tele-consultation team […]

IKA UB Berikan 300 Dosis Vaksin COVID-19

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Untuk mendukung program vaksinasi Covid-19 kepada masyarakat, Ikatan Keluarga Alumni Universitas Brawijaya menyelenggarakan vaksinasi massal bagi masyarakat umum. Vaksinasi ini dilaksanakan pada Sabtu (31/7/2020) di Rusunawa UB Dieng. Vaksinasi ini dilakukan secara gotong royong bersama Keluarga Besar UB, Polres dan berbagai ormas di Kabupaten Malang mendapatkan antusiasme […]

IKA UB Task Force Releases ‘Isoman’ Application

The second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has had a significant impact on society. Hospital facilities are full, the need for plasma blood donors, the increased need for oxygen, vitamins, and medicines are the main problems faced by the community. There is a lot of harmful info related to the availability of necessities during […]

IKA-UB and Kemenkop UKM RI Cooperates to Build UMKM

Alumni Association Universitas Brawijaya (IKA-UB) cooperates with the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia. The signing of this memorandum of understanding (MoU) was held on Wednesday (02/06/2021). Cooperation includes the socialization of strategic programs and activities; research and assessment of important issues; increasing the capacity of human resources […]

IKA UB Held Cultural Dance Performance

Alumni Association of Universitas Brawijaya (IKA UB) in collaboration with Malang Mbois Community and Denendar Dance Studio made an offline and virtual open stage featuring Indonesian cultural dances, Sunday (14/3/2021). The activity entitled Malang Menari aims to foster a sense of love for the nation’s generation for its own culture. “Every future generation has an […]

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