Tags: ft ub

Mahasiswa UB Sabet Gold Medal Thailand Inventors’ Day 2025 melalui Inovasi Siapsiaga Bencana

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya (FT-UB) program studi Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota meraih Gold Medal pada Thailand Inventors’ Day 2025. Kegiatan yang diikuti 22 negara ini diselenggarakan oleh National Research Council of Thailand, di Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre, Bangkok Thailand pada selama seminggu, 1-6 Februari […]

Tim Apatte62 di Kompetisi Shell Eco Marathon 2025, Dubai

Apatte62 Team Competes in Shell Eco Marathon Dubai

Apatte62 Brawijaya Team is ready to make Indonesia proud in the international arena by going to Qatar to participate in the prestigious Shell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific 2025 competition. This event will take place at the Losail International Circuit, Qatar, and will be attended by the best teams from various countries in the Asia-Pacific region. In this […]

IUP FT UB Students Hold Field Trip to PT. Terminal Teluk Lamong

The second semester students from the International Undergraduate Program (IUP), Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering (FT), Universitas Brawijaya (UB), held a field trip to PT. Terminal Teluk Lamong as part of the 45th Faculty of Engineering Student Work Camp on Wednesday (5/2). This visit aims to provide practical insight to students regarding modern […]

Industrial EngineeringEstablishes International Collaboration with Mechanical Engineering Universiti Malaya

As many as five lecturers who are members of the Lecturer Work activity of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (DTI FT-UB) established cooperation with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Malaya, Thursday (8/8/2024). The activity, chaired by Ir. L. Tri Wijaya Nata Kusuma, ST., MT., Ph.D., consists of Prof. Sugiono, […]

Attract the Students of UB and NUS Singapore by Exploring the Enchantment of Glintung Village

Glintung Village has become a phenomenon not only in the community but has also become an attraction for academics. Those who came to visit wanted to experience how this settlement is an example of developing greening programs which are now increasingly widespread in several urban areas. 20 students from the Faculty of Engineering (FT) Universitas […]

Syifa Khairunnisa, S.T., Wisudawan Termuda periode 8

Researching Work Safety, Brings Syifa to become UB Youngest Graduate

Occupational health and safety, especially in the oil and gas industry, plays an important role in the continuity of daily routines. K3 provides guarantees to workers regarding security and environmental health and safety for workers. Its ideal application also reduces or even minimizes the occurrence of work accidents, environmental damage and other things that can […]

Discussing Environmentally Friendly Energy and Digitalization, DIKST Presents Practitioners from Eaton Industries

Nowadays, developments in the times and advances in transportation technology have begun to penetrate the renewable energy system, electric vehicles act as an alternative for managing energy revitalization in the future. Sooner or later electric vehicles will become a trend that will spread widely in society, where the Indonesian government has also launched several programs […]

Revolusi Bisnis di Desa Ranuyoso: UB Dorong Pemanfaatan Daun Kelor

UB’s Business Revolution: Promoting the Use of Moringa Leaves in Ranuyoso Village

Universitas Brawijaya (UB), through the 2023 Doctoral Service Programme (DSP), organized an inspiring initiative to empower Micro, Small Medium Enterprise (MSME) in Ranuyoso Village, Lumajang, East Java. This community empowerment activity was led by Dr. Joni Kusnadi, M.Si from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FAT), who also involved other DSP members, including Hamamah, Ph.D., M. […]

Tim M-Care

M-Care Wins Gold Medal of ITEX 2023

Mental health not only has an impact on the quality of one’s life, but also has an impact on his social environment. Public awareness of the importance of mental health in the community has increased, although there are still deficiencies in mental health services in Indonesia, such as mental health workers to the provision of […]

Tim ATOM Nawasena

ATOM Nawasena Raih 2nd winner ICRC 2023

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya kembali menorehkan prestasi. Kali ini, berasal dari tim Atom Chem E-Car yang membawa pulang 2nd Winner dalam ajang lomba Indonesia Chemical Reaction Car Competition (ICRCC) 2023 yang diselenggarakan oleh Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Tim ATOM Nawasena berhasil meraih 2nd winner. Setelah melewati serangkaian seleksi konsep […]

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