The FMIPA Student Research Team consisting of Dawud Isa, Voleta Alda, Roshella Ratna, Lya Sulistyoning, Nur Abiyah Rona and Aulya Rahman Rachmadani from the Faculty Autonomous Institute for Student Research and Science (RITMA) conducted research on a fertilizer substitute called BIOSAKA. BIOSAKA comes from the words BIO and SAKA which is an abbreviation of Saka; […]
The team from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, consisting of Drs. Hari Arief Dharmawan, M.Eng., Ph.D., Ir. Dionysius Joseph Djoko Herry Santjojo, M.Phil., Ph.D., Dr. Istiroyah, S.Sc., MT, Dr.Eng Masruroh, S.Si., M.Si., and Sri Herwiningsih, S.Si., M.App.Sc, Ph.D, have held community service activities in Wahid Hasyim Vocational School, […]
The Chemistry Student Team, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) won the 3rd place in the PYC Paper Competition: Official Side Event for ASEAN Indonesia 2023. The event was organized by Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center on (15/9-16/9/2023) at JS Luwansa Hotel, South Jakarta. In this competition, the Chemistry student team consisted of Rifqi […]
“The development of the Environmental Integrity Zone for UB Work Units by FMIPA is certainly one of progress towards the records of integrity zone development at Brawijaya University. FMIPA itself is the 8th work unit to launch an Integrity Zone (IZ) within the Brawijaya University environment. This was conveyed by Dr. Ngesti Dwi Prasetya, S.H., […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang telah melakukan Internasional Conference on Global Resource Conservation (ICGRC) ke-14 Selasa, (26/9/2023). ICGRC ke-14 ini dilaksanakan secara hybrid di Hotel Ijen and Convention, Malang dengan tema “Accelerating Global Biodiversity Conservation through Innovative Technology”. Konferensi internasional ini […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Tim Departemen Biologi yaitu Rodiyati Azrianingsih, Luchman Hakim, Jati Batoro, Turhadi dan Brian Rahardi mengadakan desiminasi hasil penelitian dan pembinaan pada masyarakat Secang, di Kelurahan Kalipuro, Kecamatan Kalipuro, Kabupaten Banyuwangi terkait pengembangan potensi di daerah tersebut. Lingkungan Secang ini dipilih sebagai target desiminasi dan desa binaan karena […]
In an effort to improve the quality of education and prepare students to face the digital era, SMK Muhammadiyah 5 Kepanjen Malang held a Data Analysis Bootcamp which was held in collaboration with the Community Service Team of the Department of Statistics Universitas Brawijaya 2023. This innovative activity was intended for students of SMK 5 […]
Lecturers of the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) carried out community service activities by holding an introduction to the actuary profession for students and teachers of senior high schools (SMA) and Madrasah Aliyah (MA) in Banyuwangi Regency. This activity is part of the 2021-2025 community service road […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Melihat tingginya prevalensi penyakit Tuberkulosis di dunia, khususnya di Indonesia. Membuat tim kolaborasi dari lima mahasiwa lintas Fakultas Universitas Brawijaya (FK, FT dan FMIPA) menghasilkan karya inovasi berupa Alat Diagnosis Dini Tuberkulosis yang dinamakan “Micro Be Mate” dan berhasil mendapatkan Medali Emas dalam bidang life science di […]