Students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) are involved in the committee activities of PORDASI National Championship “Three Crown Cup” Series 1. This activity aims at getting to know more about the Veterinary profession. In the competition held at Ki Ageng Astrojoyo Horse Racing Field, Pasuruan, FKH students who are members of UBE (University […]
In order to participate in the success of the National Movement for Mental Revolution, Universitas Brawijaya takes the role of being directly involved in providing assistance through Campus Teaching activity. This community service activity was held at MI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) Roudlotul Ulum, Pagak District, Malang Regency. For 5 days, students are given education about the […]
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB) educates the community of Pucakwangi Village, Babat District, Lamongan Regency regarding the transmission mechanism of disease carried by rats to humans or Rodent Borne Disease, Sunday (15/8/2021). Based on the results of the questionnaire distributed to the heads of families in Pucakwangi Village, in the area there […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Patah tulang adalah suatu diskontinutas susunan tulang akibat trauma atau keadaan patologis yang disebabkan terputusnya jaringan tulang. Di Indonesia jumlah kasus patah tulang cukup banyak yang disebabkan oleh kecelakaan dan faktor lainnya. Dampak yang diakibatkan patah tulang adalah stress psikologis, cacat fisik bahkan kematian. Salah satu metode […]
After successfully held the Sacrifice Animal Webinar Series 1 several times ago, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB) held the Sacrificial Animal Webinar Series 2. The webinar activity with the theme “Slaughtering Sacrificial Animals and Handling Sacrificial Meat that is FOSTER” is intended for the inspector of sacrificial animal and sacrificial meat, […]
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB) held a webinar on Slaughtering of Sacrificial Animals according to health protocols, Sunday (11/7/2021). The activity was held to anticipate the number of sacrificial animals being slaughtered but the limited number of Slaughterhouses (RPH) in Indonesia. “According to the data I got, there are about 555 slaughterhouses […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB) yang berlokasi di Puncak Dieng Eksklusif, Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang, memiliki 13 laboratorium. Yaitu Laboratorium Animal Disease Diagnostic, Laboratorium Biokimia Veteriner, Laboratorium Anatomi dan Histologi Veteriner, Laboratorium Embriologi Veteriner, Laboratorium Farmakologi Veteriner, Laboratorium Fisiologi Veteriner, Laboratorium Klinik Hewan Pendidikan, Laboratorium […]