Tags: fk ub

FK Distributes Sacrificial Meat

The Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) carries out the distribution activity of sacrificial meat in commemoration of Eid al-Adha 1443H. The activity was carried out in the joint education building on the 1st floor of the Faculty of Medicine, Monday (11/7/2022). At this Eid al-Adha celebration, 4 cows and 13 goats were given. […]

UB Has Emergency Medicine Specialist Study Program

The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FK UB) has finally released the establishment of the Emergency Medicine Specialist Study Program (PSEM). FK UB is the only university in Indonesia that has PSEM. The launching of the establishment of PSEM was carried out in the Senate Room on the 9th floor of Joint Education Building of […]

The Role of FK UB Lecturer at Mandalika MotoGP 2022

Some time ago, Indonesia hosted an international motorcycle racing event, Mandalika MotoGP. In this event, one of the doctors and lecturers at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya is involved as a medical team, along with many other medical and health workers from various regions in Indonesia. He is dr. Ali Haedar, SpEM, KPEC, FAHA, […]

The Rector Inaugurated Dwija Monabrata Pratistha Monument

The Rector of Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani, A.R., M.S., together with the dean of FK, Dr. dr. Wisnu Barlianto, SpA,(K), M.Si, Med. inaugurated the Dwija Monabrata Pratistha monument, Friday (7/1/2021). The monument was built to pay respect to the corpse that was used as a cadaver for FK students. “A doctor […]

The Trauma Healing Team of  FKUB-RSSA-IDAI Monitors the Condition of Semeru Refugees

In order to monitor the health condition of children and women refugees, Universitas Brawijaya sent a trauma healing team to the refugee camps. This team departed on Saturday (11/12/2021) to Oro-Oro Ombo Village, Pronojiwo District, Lumajang Regency, East Java. While they are on duty, the trauma healing team will provide services at the Refugee Post […]

FK UB Invites Civitas to Get to Know Intellectual Property More Closely

The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKUB) through the Agency for Research and Community Service (BPPM) held an online Socialization of Intellectual Property, (12/11/2021). This activity aims to introduce intellectual property (KI) closer to FKUB community as a preparation for the adjustment of UB’s stipulation as PTNBH in 2021. This activity was attended by all […]

FK-UB Won Silver and Bronze Medals at IMO 2021

Two teams from the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya (FK-UB) succeeded to achieve silver and bronze medals at the 2021 Indonesian International Medical Olympiad (IMO) event. They are Muhammad Yusuf and Fairuz Abidatillah Meilany who won silver medal in the field of musculoskeletal, and Liani Amelia Chandra and Ivena Leonita who won bronze medal in […]

UB Lecturer Gives Tips for Maintaining Healthy Skin during Wet Season

Entering the wet season, people must not only be aware of the emergence of diseases caused by puddle, but also diseases that lurk in skin health. At least this is conveyed by Dr. dr. Dhelya Widasmara, Sp.KK(K), a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya. According to Dhelya, there are three important keys in […]

 GNRM Participation, UB Socializes the Importance of Vaccination and Animal Welfare

In order to participate in the success of the National Movement for Mental Revolution, Universitas Brawijaya takes the role of being directly involved in providing assistance through Campus Teaching activity. This community service activity was held at MI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) Roudlotul Ulum, Pagak District, Malang Regency. For 5 days, students are given education about the […]

Tekuni Bidang Kardiorespirasi, Mahasiswa FK-UB Juara 2 RMO

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Dua mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya (FK-UB) raih Juara dua Regional Medical Olympiad (RMO) 2021 bidang Kardiorespirasi. Mereka adalah M Naufal Rizqi Alfani dan Anita Dominique Subali. Ajang olimpiade untuk mahasiswa kedokteran pre-klinik ini diadakan oleh Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia (ISMKI) Wilayah 4, pada tanggal 17-26 […]

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