Guyub Rukun Saklawase Ala FISIP UB

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Jumat pagi (24/12/2021) karyawan FISIP UB ada yang membawa sapu, arit, tempat sampah. Tidak seperti biasanya karena mereka berangkat lebih pagi pukul 07.00 WIB. Puluhan karyawan FISIP ini kemudian dibagi dalam berbagai area. Ada yang di gedung A, B hingga C. Bahkan ranting pohon kering di depan […]

Anticipating the School Cluster, UB Lecturer Creates Audio Visual Media for School

Face-to-face Learning (PTM) schools are reported to have led to clusters of the spread of Covid-19 in various regions. This condition really needs to be watched out as the emergence of a new variant of Omicron which is claimed to be more contagious. According to two researchers from the Department of Communication Science, Faculty of […]

Cepatnya Omicron Menyebar di Inggris, Sebuah Cerita dari Dosen HI UB

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Penyebaran Covid-19 belum berhenti. Varian baru Omicron saat ini menjadi varian yang penyebarannya paling cepat. Salah satunya di Inggris. Bahkan di negara ini sudah 1 orang meninggal karena varian yang disebut berasal dari Afrika Selatan ini. Henny Rosalinda S.IP., MA, dosen Hubungan Internasional Universitas Brawijaya bercerita mengenai […]

Carrying out PTNBH, Educational Staff of FISIP UB Provided with Archival Training 

Universitas Brawijaya has stated as Legal Entity State University (PTNBH). FISIP UB has also carried out the adaptation process for the implementation. One of them is providing archival training for education staff, Tuesday (14/12/2021) at Nuswantara Hall of FISIP. The Dean of FISIP, Dr Sholih Muadi stated that the status of PTNBH in UB makes […]

Collaborates with ‘Respek Indonesia’, FISIP UB Distributes Assistance for the Victims of Mount Semeru Eruption

The eruption of Mount Semeru brought sympathy from various parties including the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP UB). The faculty with the main color of orange sent assistance to the victims, Saturday (11/12/2021). The distribution of the assistance was in collaboration with the Indonesian Respect (Respek Indonesia) volunteer team and Rampak […]

Initiating Journal Publishing, Bappeda Sumenep Learn to FISIP UB

The Regional Planning and Development Agency (Bappeda) of Sumenep plans to publish a journal for the first time related to research that has been carried out. In realizing this plan, they conducted a comparative study with the Journal Management Agency of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (BPJ FISIP UB), Thursday (9/12/2021). During the […]

Discussing MBKM, FISIP UB and Unpad Open Opportunity for Collaboration

MALANG – The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP UB) and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran (FISIP Unpad) opened opportunities for collaboration in the development of Independent Learning Independent Campus Program (MBKM). This was revealed when the leadership of FISIP Unpad visited FISIP UB, Wednesday (12/8/2021). In the […]

Two Campuses Study MBKM, This is Offered by FISIP UB

Two days in a row, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP UB) received visits from two state campuses. Tuesday (7/12/2021) a visit was made by the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, Trunojoyo University, Madura. Then Wednesday (12/8/2021), FISIP Universitas Padjadjaran did the same thing. These two visits were carried out, […]

Tips from the Dean of FISIP UB to Protect Children from Sexual Violence

Sexual violence against children is still common. The Dean of FISIP UB, Dr. Sholih Muadi, emphasized that children are the assets of the next generation, so they must be well prepared, including avoiding sexual violence. “These children are vulnerable to matters related to crime, sexual abuse. It is important that our children receive adequate protection,” […]

Suggestion from FISIP UB Lecturer related to East Java Minimum Salary to Avoid Lame

The East Java Minimum Salary (UMK) 2022 has been signed through the Decree of East Java Governor Number 188/803/Kpts/013/2021. From the existing data, the minimum salary in SurabayaCity is still the highest in East Java region. The Minimum Salary of Surabaya City in 2022 is set at Rp. 4,375,479.19. Meanwhile, the lowest UMK in East […]

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