Tags: filkom ub

FCS and FILKOM UB Collaborate with Ritsumeikan University of Japan to Digitize and Visualize East Java Batik

Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) and Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), in collaboration with International Joint Digital Archiving for Japanese Art & Culture (Arc-Ijac) Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, in the project of Digitalization and Visualization Batik East Java. The project is led by FCS UB lecturer Fitriana Puspita Dewi, Ph.D., with members […]

FILKOM and FCS UB Lecturers Conduct Intelligent System Research, Creating Generative AI for Batik

A research was carried out by the Intelligent Systems Laboratory, Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya (UB). Research led by Dr. Eng. Novanto Yudistira, S.Kom., M.Sc. The research team also involved Dr. Eng. Irawati Nurmala Sari, S.Kom., M.Sc. from FILKOM, and assisted by several members from the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) UB. One […]

Lecturer of the Faculty of Computer Science UB Becomes Speaker at Yagi Laboratory and Osaka University

One of the lecturers at the Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM) Brawijaya University (UB), namely Dr. Novanto Yudistira carried out a series of activities in Japan. Activities were carried out at The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka. Visits to Yagi, Matsushita and Nagahara Laboratories were carried out from 22/4 to […]

FILKOM UB Holds Together Prayers and Donation for Orphanage

Malang, 21 December 2023 – Faculty of Computer Science, Brawijaya University (FILKOM UB), on Wednesday, 20 December 2023 held a together prayer with the academic community. This activity was attended by the Dean of FILKOM UB, Prof. Ir. Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D., Vice Dean for General Affairs, Finance and Resources, Ir. Agus Wahyu […]

FILKOM UB Laksanakan Penyuluhan Penggunaan NFT Marketplace

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Malang, 4 Desember 2023 – Bertempat di aula Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 4 (SMKN 4), kota Malang tim pengabdian masyarakat FILKOM UB melaksanakan penyuluhan Non Fungible Token (NFT). Kegiatan knowledge sharing yang dilakukan pada Oktober 2023 berdasarkan pada analisis kebutuhan pelatihan yang dibutuhkan oleh SMKN 4, kota […]

Dukung Inovasi Desa Digital, Dosen Universitas Brawijaya Menginisiasi  Aplikasi Sedekah Sampah Berbasis Android”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Sampah merupakan permasalahan utama di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Sampah yang menumpuk atau dibuang sembarangan sehingga mengakibatkan kotor, bau hingga penyakit dan banjir. Pun sampah anorganik yang dibuang akan memerlukan proses hingga ratusan bahkan ribuan tahun untuk bisa terurai. Hal ini tentu mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas tanah sebagai […]

Rector Evaluates the Progress of FILKOM Collaboration with Six Public and Private Universities from Japan

The Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a meeting with UB Rector, Prof. Widodo, on Friday (16/12/2022). Activities carried out related to the Progress of Collaboration between FILKOM UB and Six Public and Private Universities from Japan (https://filkom.ub.ac.id/2019/02/28/filkom-ub-jalin-kerjasama-dengan-enam-perguruan- high-in-japan/). The six Public and Private Universities are Chukyo University Nagoya, Waseda University, Osaka […]

Two UB Lecturers are inaugurated as Professor, Raise the Integrated Theme

Universitas Brawijaya again inaugurated two professors, Saturday (12/3/2022). The first is Dr. Drs. Muhammad Saifi, M.Si from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences as a professor in the field of Financial Management. He is the 12th active professor at FIA and 163rd at UB. Second, Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D from the Faculty of Computer […]

Syarifuddin (tengah) membimbing siswa SMP BumiShalawat

UB Graduate Assisting Middle School Students to Create ‘E-Syarat’ Application

A graduate of Information Technology Education Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Muhammad Syarifuddin assisting three students of Bumi Sholawat Progressive Junior High School to create an E-Syarat Application. This application can be used for deaf students while participating in online learning, especially English subjects. This game-based application uses the design thinking method, which […]

Luncurkan Halo Filkom, Fakultas Memberikan Tanggapan dan Solusi Secara Cepat Terhadap Keluhan Masyarakat

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Masa pandemi Covid-19 hingga saat ini masih belum usai. Perguruan tinggi serta Fakultas dituntut untuk bisa beradaptasi menghadapi masa pandemi. Berbagai upaya harus dilakukan oleh perguruan tinggi agar bisa beradaptasi sekaligus memberikan kontribusi bagi mahasiswa dan masyarakat dalam menghadapi pandemi. Demi meningkatkan pelayanan dalam mengatasi pertanyaan dan […]

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