Tags: FIB

Fine Art Festival

Fine Art Festival: Check Out the Creativity of the SPFA FCS UB

    Study Programme of Fine Arts (SPFA), Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS), Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held an annual event art festival event after being delayed for two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The event entitled “Fine Art Festival” was held for eight days from Saturday (11/5/2022) to Saturday (11/12/2022). The works displayed were […]

Tari Beskalan Malang

FCS UB Presents Various Traditional Cultural Performances at its 13th Anniversary

In November 5th, 2022, a series of activities for the 13th Anniversary of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) was officially opened by holding four international seminars. The hybrid event took place in the UBTV hall, UB’s Rectorate Building, with the concept of Indonesian culture for the stage decorations, and all participants […]

FCS UB Encourages the Japanese Language Learning through Ehon Media

Beginning from the lack of Japanese language education for junior high school students in Indonesia as the effect of limited learning media that are suitable to the level of junior high school students in Indonesia, the Community Service Team Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya (FCS UB) from the Study Programme of Japanese Literature (SPJL) […]

FCS UB Encourages the Japanese Language Learning through Ehon Media

Beginning from the lack of Japanese language education for junior high school students in Indonesia as the effect of limited learning media that are suitable to the level of junior high school students in Indonesia, the Community Service Team Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya (FCS UB) from the Study Programme of Japanese Literature (SPJL) […]

FCS UB Holds Four International Seminars in Its 13th Anniversary

Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held four international seminars in 2022 that were conducted online, offline, and hybrid from November 5 to 12, 2022. The first seminar, the International Conference on Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies (ICON LATERALS) III was held from November 5 to 6, 2022. Followed by, the International Conference […]

FCS UB Develops School Literacy Movement at SDKr YBPK Ngaglik Malang

The Community Service Team Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya (FCS UB) carried out a series of literacy development activities at YBPK Ngaglik Christian Elementary School (SDKr), Malang. In the 4th year of mentoring for the Literacy Movement at the SDKr YBPK Ngaglik, the FCS UB Community Service Team held creative writing workshops for teachers, […]

FCS UB Appreciates Artists and Writers through Sabda Budaya Award

Sabda Budaya Award 2022 was held again by the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB). In this fourth year of its event, Sabda Budaya Award was given as an appreciation to artists and writers from East Java. “This year’s theme follows the 13th Anniversary of FCS UB’s theme which is the birth of […]

Lecturers and Students of Anthropology FCS UB Merge with the H3 Cultural Community of Mangliawan Village through Nature Conservation Activities

The annual Community Service Activities initiated by Universitas Brawijaya (UB) through the faculties encourage lecturers to do real activities for the community. This year, the Community Service Activities of Dr. Hipolitus Kristoforus Kewuel, M.Hum., from the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) involved an Anthropology student from the class of 2019, namely Aileen, as part of […]

Desa Mangliawan Budayakan Praktik Sumpah Bhakti bagi Perangkat Desa

Mangliawan Village Cultivates the Practice of “Oath of Service” for Village Apparatus

Various deviant practices in governance today have made the people of Mangliawan Village think hard about how these latent things can be overcome, at least in their village. One of the things they initiated was to enforce an “Oath of Service” for all village apparatus who wanted to carry out their duties. The initiator of […]

Muhammmad Da'i Kuncoro

 Da’i Adaptation Experience at UB

“For me, UB is like a dream campus. The academics are okay, the students are famous for winning in various competitions, the environment is comfortable, and has its own charm compared to other campuses. As soon as the PMM program was opened, I immediately took it at UB without thinking,” said Muhammad Da’i Kuncoro. Da’i […]

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