Tags: FIA UB

Improving Elementary and Junior High School Mathematics Teaching, UB MMD Group 160 Presents Geogebra

Education is one of the important foundations that build our country Indonesia. To be able to create the next generation that is superior and able to advance our homeland, it is fitting that students take part in developing a quality and quality education system. Mathematics lessons are one of the important keys in achieving this […]

Raising the Latest Education Issues, HIMADIKA Publishes Edu Magazine

Educational Administration Student Association (HIMADIKA) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) published a magazine entitled “Edu Magazine”. This is the first magazine issue in the history of the association. Therefore, the magazine is given the pulication number Volume 1, Number 1, year 2023. To the PSIK FIA Team, Chair of HIMADIKA for the […]

Enrico, Mahasiswa UB yang wakili Indonesia pada Youth Forum di Vienna

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Perasaan yang tak terlupakan bagi Enrico Aro Rea Buulolo, Mahasiswa FIA UB yang berkesempatan untuk mengikuti kegiatan tingkat Internasional yang diadakan oleh UNODC dan menjadi satu-satunya delegasi Indonesia yang berangkat ke Vienna, Austria. Berjalan selama 3 hari mulai dari tanggal 13-15 Maret 2023, ia pun menceritakan kisah […]

Pendampingan Pelaporan Pajak di FIA UB

FIA UB Tax Report Assistance

Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya carried out E-Filling on Tuesday (7/3/23) in Building B FIA. The e-filling was attended by the Office of DJP East Java III, KKP Pratama North Malang, KKP Pratama South Malang. Also present were the Dean of FIA and lecturers and educational staff in UB Environment. Siti Rahayu, as an […]

The Story of UB Student in PMM : Always Waiting for the Nusantara Module

Regan Afrian Nathan is a student of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya. This semester, Regan had the opportunity to enjoy lectures at Lambung Mangkurat University, located in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. Until December 2022, Regan was registered as a participant in the Independent Student Exchange for the Oubond group. The selection of Unlam as […]

KKN T FIA Promotes Purwosari Eco Bike Park

There are many ways to increase tourism potential, one of which is by utilizing social media, as was done by a group of students from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya. Ari Cahya Permata with a 49 group of Thematic Community Service Programs combines nature tourism, culinary, cultural and people’s economic empowerment in Purwosari […]

Gelar MoU, FIA Tindak Lanjuti Kerjasama dengan Pemkot Banjarmasin

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Seiring dengan kebijakan Pemerintah Kota Banjarmasin di dalam rencana pembangunan jangka menengah Kota Banjarmasin melalui visi Banjarmasin yakni Kota Sungai Pintu Gerbang Ekonomi Kalimantan 2025, Walikota Banjarmasin gencar melakukan berbagai kerjasama dengan stakeholder pendidikan demi mewujudkan destinasi kota wisata dan smart city khususnya. Setelah melakukan kerjasama dengan […]

FIA Ajak Mahasiswa se-Asia Kuatkan Peran Pemuda

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Setelah menggelar rangkaian seminar internasional dan kelas bersama pekan lalu, kali ini Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) mengundang mahasiswa dari berbagai negara di Asia untuk menyatukan visi peran pemuda dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Bertajuk “iVISID 2022: ASEAN Student Forum”, ribuan mahasiswa berjumpa secara virtual untuk […]

Two UB Lecturers are inaugurated as Professor, Raise the Integrated Theme

Universitas Brawijaya again inaugurated two professors, Saturday (12/3/2022). The first is Dr. Drs. Muhammad Saifi, M.Si from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences as a professor in the field of Financial Management. He is the 12th active professor at FIA and 163rd at UB. Second, Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D from the Faculty of Computer […]

Genjot Pelaporan Pajak, FIA UB Adakan Asistensi Isi SPT bagi Sivitas

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Pelaporan pajak merupakan aktivitas yang wajib dilakukan bagi masyarakat yang telah menjadi wajib pajak. Pelaporan tersebut diwujudkan dengan penyampaian SPT, secara langsung ke kantor pajak, atau secara elektronik, di laman Dirjen Pajak Online. Pelaporan secara daring ini juga memudahkan masyarakat sebagai wajib pajak, karena Pengisian SPT oleh […]

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