Tags: feb

FEB UB Students Make Achievements at KSEI Youth Innovation Festival 2023

Malang, September 29, 2023 – Being a student is indeed a privilege that not everyone can feel. Therefore, every student should do positive things to increase their value, such as joining organizations, committees, and participating in various competitions. This was proven by the Student Delegation Team of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya […]

Gambar Pelaku Bazar Dapur Chantique Sedang Memamerkan Produknya

FEB Provides Business Guidance for MSME Actors

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Brawijaya Unversity (FEB UB) carried out community service activities in the form of provision and a bazaar for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the student environment some time ago. This service aims to provide information to MSME actors regarding business management and development so that they can […]

FEB Lecturers Held Community Service in Preparing LAZISNU Accounting Policy

The team of lecturers and students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya (FEB UB) carries out community service as a form of implementation of the tri dharma of higher education in non-profit organizations that have an autonomous body in the form of LAZISNU which manages Zakat, Infaq, Alms (ZIS) and Corporate Social […]

Islamic Economics Olympiad Competition Sharia Economy Activity (SEHATI)

That day, Friday, August 25, 2023 we departed from Malang to Semarang to take part in a series of Grand Final rounds of the Islamic Economics Olympiad competition. Where we have completed the preliminary round and passed to the next stage. It was not an easy series that we went through, because on that day […]

FEB and OJK Held Ngopi Kuy! “Smart Students? Must Understand Digital Finance!”

The Malang Financial Services Authority (OJK) together with the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya (FEB UB) on Wednesday (6/9/2023) held Ngopi Kuy! (Let’s have a smart chat about finances!) The financial seminar with the theme “Smart Student? Must Understand Digital Finance!” This was held on the 7th Floor of FEB F Building and […]

Marketing and Finance Training for MSME Development Strategy in Malang  

FEB UB lecturer, DR Wuryan Andayani provides guidance on how to make simple financial reports and market products through social media. This Community Service Implementation will be carried out in July 2023 using the lecture method and the material is presented in power point shows. Guidance to MSMEs, Wuri provides explanation on how to make […]

UB Doctoral Service Team Investigate Capacity Improvement for Digital Marketing of Footwear MSME in Mojokerto City

Mojokerto (23/8). Mojokerto City is not only known for Onde-Onde as a souvenir, but also has a long tradition as a city of shoe craftsmen. The long history of footwear craftsmen in Mojokerto City has been passed down from generation to generation since the 1980s. The city has the largest number of footwear MSMEs in […]

Delegasi UB dalam Sharia Business Plan, Karya Tulis Ilmiah Akademik, Karya Tulis Ilmiah Konseptual dan Olimpiade Ekonomi Islam.

UB Delegation Win 8 Champions in National Scientific Meeting, Makasar

The team of student delegations from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya again contributed to their achievements. This time, the delegation consisting of 9 teams won 8 prizes in the Gathering Forum for Islamic Economic Studies. This event was held on Monday-Wednesday (22-25/8) at UIN Alauddin Makassar. In this competition, UB’s student team […]

Foto Pemberian contoh penanaman bibit pada media tanam

FEB Community Service Team Provides Urban Farming Training for Sawojajar Residents

The community service team from the Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya collaborated with vegetable and fruit farming practitioners to carry out training on simple household-scale farming (urban family farming) in Sawojajar 2 Malang area. The activity, chaired by Yeney Widya Prihatiningtias, DBA., Ak., CA., aims to utilize narrow residential land to […]

Foto Bersama Pemateri dan Pekerja Migran

UB Shares Knowledge of Managing Finance to Migrant Workers in Malaysia

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) in collaboration with Universiti Malaya carries out an HR development program by sharing the Knowledge of Managing Finance to Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia, Sunday (13/8/2023). The activity aims to improve the life skills and education of migrant workers so that they are not squeezed into poverty in the future after they […]

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