Students of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB) conduct a pregnancy check on beef cattle, Sunday (22/08/2021). The team who are members of the Red Meat Producers Research Group (RG) lecturer research consists of students from the Undergraduate Program (S1), Master Program (S2), and Doctoral Program (S3). Accompanied by an inseminator officer […]
One of the global problems in the world of animal husbandry is environmental pollution due to cow feces waste. Because some farmers have not been able to recycle waste properly. In fact, if waste management is carried out properly, it can have a positive impact on energy availability. Considering that an animal is capable of […]
The demand for local beef in Indonesia has increased every year. However, its availability has not been able to meet the consumer needs which reached 663,290 tons/year, based on 2016 BPS data. This is because the rate of demand cannot be matched by an increase in population and an increase in production. Therefore, the opportunity […]
A student of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB), Rifa Naziihah was selected as the Control Board at the International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS) World 2021-2022. IAAS is an international organization for students in the field of agriculture. After completing the requirements and conducting a presentation, Rifa […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Air Susu Ibu (ASI) merupakan nutrisi terbaik untuk bayi khususnya pada usia 0-6 bulan, oleh sebabnya pemberian ASI esklusif wajib diberikan pada usia tersebut. Karena ASI mengandung antibodi, antialergi, antivirus, antiparasit, faktor pertumbuhan, hormon dan enzim yang keberadaannya tidak sama dengan kandungan susu formula. Selain itu di […]
Three students of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB), namely Arlieza Rizki, Ery Vio Verawati and Rozaan Rofie’ Iskani under the guidance of Dr. Ir. Kuswati, MS., IPM., ASEAN Eng made a rabbit pellet feed product made from rumen waste. The high price of feed in the market is due to the […]
Munculnya tren masyarakat untuk menggunakan kosmetik berbahan alami membuat lima mahasiswa UB terinspirasi untuk menciptakan serum berbahan alami yang unik bernama KELITA serum. Kelima mahasiswa tersebut adalah Nida Syarifatul Lathifah (FK), Septa Rizqinanti Maufirah (FK), Nailus Syarifah (Fapet), Zulfiana Fawaida (Fapet) dan Safir Rahmahuda Machsun (FT) dibimbing apt. Oktavia Eka Puspita, S.Farm., M.Sc. “Pembuatan KELITA […]
Five students led by Rifaldi Fadilah (Fapet) and his four colleagues, Muhammad Alfan Nurdin (Fapet), Dimas Teguh Prasetiyo (Fapet), Umi Lailasari (Fapet) and Renaldy Afif Atho’ulloh (Vocational) made Goat’s Milk Yogurt from Black Glutinous Rice Extract (Orza sativa L indica) and tuna fish bones. The yogurt made is useful for preventing obesity and increasing immunity […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Mahasiswa Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB) membuat inovasi pemanfaatan lahan terbatas sebagai tempat budidaya ayam pedaging (broiler). Karya buatan Firmansyah Budi Pratama, Muhammad Izzul Atfhal, dan Didik Bagus Saputra itu diberi nama “Smart Cage for Broiler”. Kandang ayam broiler yang dibuat bertingkat, dengan ukuran lebar 1 […]
Undergraduate Program (S1) of Animal Husbandry Faculty of Animal Husbandry Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB) received excellent accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT), Wednesday (28/7/2021). The score obtained by Fapet UB is 375 with accredited status and excellent ranking. Superior accreditation is set to determine the quality assurance of study programs […]