Tags: Fakultas Pertanian

Prof. Dr.Ir. Sri Rahayu Utami, M.Sc. (kanan) dan Prof. Dr. Ir. Retno Dyah Puspitarini, M.S (kiri)

Fakultas Pertanian UB Tambah Dua Profesor Baru

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya menambah panjang daftar profesor barunya. Kali ini, Senat Akademik Universitas melantik dua profesor dari fakultas ini, yang dilantik bersamaan pada Selasa (27/6/2023) di Gedung Samanta Krida. Prof. Dr.Ir. Sri Rahayu Utami, M.Sc. merupakan profesor ke-30 dari Fakultas Pertanian. Ia merupakan profesor dalam bidang […]

FP Students Provide Education to Malang People Regarding Waste Management

Six students from the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya (FP UB) who are members of the EcoLiving Community held an EcoAction II activity which aims to provide education and training related to waste management through the participation of housewives and young people. This activity took place at Balai RW 01, Rampal Celaket Village, Klojen District, […]

PERHEPI and UB Discuss Future Challenge in the Field of Agriculture

The Indonesian Agricultural Economics Association (PERHEPI) held an international conference to discuss future challenges in the field of agricultural. The International Conference which was attended by 100 offline participants was held at Harris Hotel, Friday (27/5/2022). “UB fully supports this event. I believe that in the industrial era, the role of food cannot be replaced […]

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