One of the community empowerment programs that is covered in the work of the Universitas Brawijaya Doctoral Service (DM UB) Team chaired by Hamamah, Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS), is to explore the potential of Lumajang’s traditional arts to be sustained and promoted as part of tourism features in the […]
Doctoral Service Team Universitas Brawijaya (UB) collaborates with LPPM Thematic Community Service Program Universitas Brawijaya to carry out community empowerment activities through product development in the form of dragon fruit crackers, dragon fruit dodol, dragon fruit jelly candy, and dragon fruit peel tea in Seneporejo Village, Banyuwangi Regency. The village, which consists of Dusun Krajan […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Tim Doktor Mengabdi (DM) Universitas Brawijaya melakukan pelatihan dan bimbingan teknis pembuatan teknologi agens hayati di Desa Buluagung, Seneporejo, dan Temurejo yang terletak di Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Ketiga lokasi tersebut memiliki potensi besar sebagai desa wisata penghasil buah naga. Komoditas buah naga yang banyak dikembangkan di ketiga desa […]
The Doctoral Service (DM) team of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) assists in structuring and managing tourism potential in Ranuyoso Village, Lumajang Regency. Ranuyoso Village was chosen because it was deemed to have sufficient tourism potential to be developed. Therefore, the team chaired by Hamamah, M.Pd. Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) UB begins […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Tim Doktor Mengabdi (DM) Universitas Brawijaya berkolaborasi dengan KKN Tematik dari LPPM Universitas Brawijaya (UB) melakukan bimbingan teknis terkait formulasi pakan ternak di Desa Kandangan, Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Desa Kandangan merupakan salah satu desa berperan sebagai penyangga kawasan Taman Nasional Meru Betiri yang melakukan kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan […]
Community service in Kalipuro District, Banyuwangi, has been implemented through the Doctoral Service Programme by the Academic Community of Universitas Brawijaya (UB). The community service aims to increase public knowledge about the connection between plants and their environment. The aspects are related to geographical conditions that form the basis for strengthening coffee products based on […]
Six Lecturers of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) collaborate in Community Service activity through Doctoral Service (DM) activities. The team consists of Dr.Ir. Kuswati, MS., IPM., ASEAN Eng (Faculty of Animal Husbandry), Dr.Ir. Hermanto, M.P., (Faculty of Animal Husbandry), Rizki Prafitri, S.Pt., M.A., Ph.D (Faculty of Animal Husbandry), Onni Meirezaldi, S.Sos., M.M. (Faculty of Administrative Sciences), and […]
The KKN-T DM group of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) helps Ledug Coffee Trade Unit, which is located in Pasuruan, to implement the company’s Management System. This activity aims to improve the quality of local coffee products. The KKN-T DM team provides support to Ledug Coffee Trade Unit in product development, especially packaging renewal, provides packaging vendor […]
Doctoral Service Team Universitas Brawijaya (DM UB) held training activities on the making of botanical pesticides and biological control to increase the knowledge of Rejo Farmer Group, Gombengsari Village, Kalipuro District, Banyuwangi on (18/7-19/7/2022). The training activities for making botanical pesticides and biological control were carried out by inviting speakers from the Center for Agricultural […]
The Doctoral Service Team (DM) held a coffee brewing technique training for the people of Gombengsari Village, Kalipuro District, Banyuwangi Regency on (16/7/2022). This activity aims to increase the competence of the people of Gombengsari Village, Kalipuro District in brewing coffee with various techniques, as well as to recognize the taste of coffee. In addition […]