Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held an Executive Meeting and Alumni Gathering in commemoration of its 62nd Anniversary, Saturday, (12/14/2024). This event was attended by hundreds of alumni from various classes, lecturers, and UB academics. The series of events began with remarks from the Chancellor of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Widodo., S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D, Med.Sc, who expressed his […]
Commemorating the 62nd Anniversary, Universitas Brawijaya held a Trekking activity with the theme Forest Healing, Saturday (11/24/2024). The event, which took place in Sumberwangi Karangploso, aimed at introducing UB Forest as an educational forest area managed under the status of a Special Purpose Forest Area (KHDTK). “We want to show that this forest is not […]
The Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya (FP UB) celebrated its 64th Anniversary with a series of lively events. One of them is the Feast of Agriculture (FoA) Sekaten Making and Alumni Gathering Talkshow entitled “Future World of Work: Opportunities, Challenges, and Projections”. This event was held on Saturday, (11/9/2024), at the Central Building 1.3 FP […]
Brawijaya University (UB) conducted a marathon running activity on Thursday (4/1/2024). Marathon Run to Trace Raden Wijaya was carried out in the framework of the 61st UB Anniversary Commemoration. Marathon run was attended by 27 runners consisting of lecturers, employees, students and UB alumni. The start was carried out from the Great Pavilion of Raden […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Kepada Yth Civitas Akademika (Mahasiswa, Dosen dan Tendik) Universitas Brawijaya Dalam rangka memeriahkan Dies Natalis ke-61 Universitas Brawijaya, maka bersama ini kami mengundang seluruh Civitas Akademika Universitas Brawijaya untuk turut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan SKRINING KESEHATAN CIVITAS AKADEMIKA UB dengan cara: 1️⃣ Registrasi melalui link https://gss.ub.ac.id/ untuk […]
In welcoming the 61st Anniversary, Brawijaya University (UB) paid tribute to the leaders and professors in the form of a health examination or health screening at Brawijaya University Hospital (RSUB). This activity was carried out for ten days (6/11-17/11/2023). Director of RSUB, Dr.dr. Viera Wardhani, M.Kes said that this health screening was one of a […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Semarak Dies Natalis Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya ke-66 di meriahkan dengan Orasi Ilmiah bertajuk “Etika Profesi Hukum Dalam Pemenuhan Keadilan di Masyarakat”, Sabtu (9/7). Dalam Orasi Ilmiah tahun ini menghadirkan dua narasumber, yaitu oleh dosen FH UB yakni Dr. Abdul Madjid, SH, MH dan Bambang Hery Mulyono, […]
The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP UB) held its 20th Anniversary celebration on April 8, 2023. At the age of 20, Prof. Abdul Hakim as Acting Dean of FISIP UB gave a series of congratulations and hopes for the progress of FISIP in 2023. “Alhamdulillah, during the 20 years of its […]
Higher Education have a big role in educating students to become an entrepreneur with an environmental perspective or Green Entrepreneurship. This was stated by Mukhammad Kholid Mawardi, S.Sos., M.A.B., Ph.D in giving a scientific oration in the Open Meeting of UB’s 60th Anniversary, Thursday (5/1/2023) in Samantha Krida Building. “Environmental issues have now become universal […]
Commemorating the 60th Anniversary, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a Tradition of Raden Wijaya’s Tracking which started from the Majapahit Royal Site in Trowulan Mojokerto and ended at UB Malang Campus (3/1-5/1/2023). This trail was followed by 25 runners namely lecturers, staff, students, alumni, and general participants. Runners are targeted to cover a distance of 107 […]