Tags: dies natalis ub 59

‘Tetenger Bumi’, UB Plants 59 Trees at Kediri Campus

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) planted 59 fruit trees from the archipelago at UB Kediri Campus. This activity was carried out at the Inauguration of Kediri Campus II Lecture Building, Wednesday (12/01/2021). The tree planting activity which is named “Tetenger Bumi” is one of a series of activities for the 59th UB Anniversary which targets to plant […]

UB Launches Campus Virtual Tour

The open meeting in the context of 59th UB Anniversary is also filled with the launch of UB Virtual Tour. The Chairman of the Committee for the 59th UB Anniversary and the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM) Prof. Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy, S.Si.,M.T.,Ph.D explained that UB Virtual Tour is made to make new […]

UB Invites Lecturers, Staff, and Dharma Wanita to Join Virtual Race

Commemorating the 59th Anniversary, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) invites lecturers, education staff, and Dharma Wanita members to join virtual Collabo-RACE. Collabo-RACE is a distance-oriented virtual sporting event, which is recorded using the application (STRAVA). This activity consists of two competition categories, namely Collabo-RIDE with a minimum distance of 590 km, and Collabo-RUN with a minimum distance […]

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