Center Dharma Wanita Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a Health Seminar: Recognizing and Beware of ‘Malignancy’ Diseases in the Auditorium Building of Faculty of Medicine UB, Tuesday (10/1/2023). The Chairperson of Dharma Wanita, Rani Ulfa Widodo in his remarks thanked the guest speaker for providing knowledge regarding the prevention of degenerative diseases, such as cancer. Lecturer […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Dharma Wanita Persatuan UB memberikan bantuan dana sebesar Rp 51 Juta kepada korban banjir di Malang Selatan, Senin (24/10/2022) di Lobby Gedung Rektorat. Bantuan ini diserahkan secara simbolis oleh ketua DWP-UB Rani Mariana Ulfa S.E kepada perwakilan Tim Emergency Medis atau Emergency Medical Team (EMT)-UB. “Alhamdulillah kita […]
Dharma Wanita Persatuan Universitas Brawijaya (DWP UB) gave donations for residents of South Malang who were affected by the earthquake (10/4/2021). The DWP team, represented by four people; Endang Suyadi (head of the Socio-Cultural sector), Rosada Bambang Supriyono (Secretary), Sandra Herman (deputy secretary) and Wiwin Kuswiyani (Socio-cultural secretary), gave a donation of IDR 35 million […]
This February, we entered the month of Rajab. For Muslims, this month is special. Therefore, Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) also welcomed the month of Rajab by holding a recitation with the theme “The Specialty of Rajab”. On this occasion, the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) was appointed as the organizer. This recitation […]
The Covid-19 virus outbreak was first discovered in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019. However, until now its spread is still attacking all over the world, thus paralyzing normal community activities. According to the World Health Organization, the main root of the virus that attacks the lungs is from consuming bats. Yet according to […]