Tags: dharma wanita persatuan ub

Dharma Wanita UB Gives Donations for the People Affected by the Earthquake

Dharma Wanita Persatuan Universitas Brawijaya (DWP UB) gave donations for residents of South Malang who were affected by the earthquake (10/4/2021). The DWP team, represented by four people; Endang Suyadi (head of the Socio-Cultural sector), Rosada Bambang Supriyono (Secretary), Sandra Herman (deputy secretary) and Wiwin Kuswiyani (Socio-cultural secretary), gave a donation of IDR 35 million […]

DWP UB Held a Recitation entitled “The Privileges of the Month of Rajab” at FCS UB

This February, we entered the month of Rajab. For Muslims, this month is special. Therefore, Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) also welcomed the month of Rajab by holding a recitation with the theme “The Specialty of Rajab”. On this occasion, the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) was appointed as the organizer. This recitation […]

Dharma Wanita Persatuan UB Donates Rp. 100 Million for Disasters in Indonesia

The Head of DWP-UB Socio-Cultural Sector, Endang Suyadi accompanied by the Secretary of DWP-UB, Rosadah Agustin Syarief symbolically handed over disaster relief to representatives of the EMT UB Team. Dharma Wanita Persatuan Universitas Brawijaya (DWP-UB) provides a grant of IDR 100 million for natural disasters that have occurred in several places in Indonesia, which are […]

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