Tags: Dekan FISIP UB

The Vice Dean III Urges FISIP LKM Official to be Creative in Implementing Programs

The Vice Dean III Urges FISIP LKM Official to be Creative in Implementing Programs This year all activities are fully carried out online. Therefore, it takes creativity from students, especially the board of LKM (Student Sovereignty Institutions) to continue to present the best productivity and achievement for the faculty and university. The statement was said […]

The Visitation Of The Dean Of FISIP UB To The Special Staff Of Vice President RI

Vice President R.I., Prof. Dr. K.H. Makruf Amin is expected to attend the guest lecture (general stadium) on religious moderation for UB new students, batch 2020-2021 The hope was conveyed by the Dean of FISIP-UB, Dr. Sholih Mu’adi, SH, M.Si during a visit and gathering to the Special Staff of Vice President of the Republic […]

Dean Of FISIP UB Held An Alumni Gathering

Dean of FISIP Universitas Brawijaya, Sholih Muwadi, held a meeting with Alumni of FISIP UB Jakarta at Senayan Sate Restaurant, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta (10/9/2020). The meeting was held on the sidelines of working visits to several government agencies. “Alhamdulillah, we can meet face to face here, while gathering in the moment of this pandemic. […]

Kunjungan Dekan FISIP UB ke MPR RI 

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Dekan FISIP UB Dr. Sholih Mu’adi, SH., M.Si bersama Wakil Dekan III Akhmad Muwafik Saleh, S.Sos.,M.Si., dan Kepala BPPM melakukan kunjungan ke Majelis Permusyawatan Rakyat (MPR) Republik Indonesia, Kamis (10/9/2020). Kegiatan itu bertujuan bersilaturahmi dan menjalin rintisan kerjasama. Rombongan dari FISIP-UB diterima Wakil Ketua Badan Pengkajian MPR […]

The Visitation Of The Dean Of FISIP UB To The Ministry Of Transportation

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP-UB) hopes to have master and doctoral program to improve the quality of human resources (HR) in the Ministry of Transportation Indonesia. This hope is one of the results of the discussion in the form of cooperation between FISIP-UB and the Ministry of Transportation (Kememhub) of […]

Dekan FISIP UB Kunjungi KPK

Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Dekan FISIP UB, Dr. Sholih Mu’adi bersama Wakil Dekan III dan Kepala BPPM melakukan kunjungan ke Gedung Merah Putih KPK di Kuningan, Rabu (9/9/2020) pagi. Kegiatan ini bertujuan merintis kerjasama FISIP-UB dengan KPK guna meningkatkan terkain mendukun aksi pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia. Kegiatan tersebut diterima langsung Wakil […]

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