Universitas Brawijaya (UB) received an award from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property as the university with the most applied for patents during the pandemic period. Head of Sentra HKI Prof. Dr. Ir. Elok Zubaidah, M.P., Thursday (5/11) said that 132 patents were applied during the pandemic. Under UB, there are ITB and UM, each […]
Malang is famous for its apple production which is dominated by Manalagi apples. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency of Malang Regency, the number of apples in 2019 reached 140,617,300 kg. In general, apples are only consumed directly or processed into apple chips, while the apple chips industry produces 2 tons of apple […]
Pangkahkulon is one of the center village of processed fishery products, especially fish crackers in Gresik Regency. In this village there are approximately 68 fish cracker UKMs with a superior product, namely payus fish crackers which taste very distinctive and savory. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, these cracker-producing UKM experienced a decline in production in […]
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB) had successfully held an international seminar entitled 3rd International Conference on One Health (ICOH). The conference which lasted for two days (30 / 10-31 / 10/2020), with the big theme “Veterinary Science Innovations for Ecosystem Health and Resilience”, was a series of activities to commemorate the […]
UB Professor and Secretary of the Advisory Council of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Devanto Shasta Pratomo, said that the efforts that can be made by the government during a pandemic is saving unemployment. As a result of the COVID-19, he said, 1.5 million workers were fired and laid off. According to the prediction of […]
UB COVID-19 Disinfection Robot succeeded in bringing Apatte62 Brawijaya Team to win the Spirit of Shell Eco-Marathon (SEM) Asia 2020 competition. The joint team of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering won The 1st place at the Asian level by defeating the Sapuangin ITS team, the Semeru UM team, as well as teams from Korea, the Philippines […]
The lecturer team of Bioprocess Technology Study Program Faculty of Agricultural Technology (PS TBP FTP conducted a series of activities in an effort to break the chain of COVID-19. The first activity is conducting independent research using simple mathematical modeling of Susceptible Infectious Recovery (SIR) with official Indonesian government data that is updated every day. […]
Research related to the potential for tsunami disaster carried out by ITB researchers caused an uproar in the community. Especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic, because some media reported it as a prediction. On the other hand, natural phenomena cannot be avoided. What can be done is to reduce disaster risk by knowing the causes, […]
Lecturer of Personality Development Lecturing Center, Universitas Brawijaya (PMPK UB) conducts socialization of digital-based character education learning instruments to teachers in Malang, Friday (2/10/2020). “The activity which is a part of community service is carried out at State Junior High School (SMPN) 3 Malang City,” said Triya Indra Rahmawan, Head of the Activity Implementation Team. […]
Recently, the topic of mental health has been spoken a lot. During the Covid-19 pandemic, mental health became an issue that was increasingly rising to the surface. However, awareness of the importance of mental health issues is still inadequate. Responding to these conditions, the Student Creativity Program (PKM) team of Karsa Cipta (KC) scheme of […]