Army (TNI AD) through Rumkitban Bhirawa Bhakti Hospital, Malang Kesdam Clinic, in collaboration with RSUB, and UB Medical Faculty held a booster vaccine for the 3rd dose of Pfizer type in Samantha Krida Building UB, Wednesday (2/2/2022). The vaccine is intended for UB’s academic community, families and the general public. “Today’s vaccination quota is 1000 […]
Five students from Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Alfian Fitrayansyah (FT’19), Affan Affandi (FT’18), Akmal Adnan Attamami (FMIPA’18), Muchammad Nasyruddin Hakim (FT’18), and Muhammad Lutfi Ardiansyah (FPIK’18) under the guidance of Raden Arief Setyawan, ST., MT. making innovation “Smart Mapping System for The Potential Spread of COVID-19 via CCTV on The Road Based on Computer Vision and […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Indonesia. Melihat tingginya kasus COVID-19, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) memutuskan untuk melakukan sistem perkuliahan secara daring. Hal ini sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Rektor Nomer 6237/UN10/TU/2021 tentang Perkuliahan Tahun Akademik 2021/2022. Dalam SE tersebut menyebutkan bahwa Perkuliahan Tahun Akademik 2021/2022 dilakukan secara daring meliputi proses belajar mengajar, bimbingan, kuliah kerja/praktik […]
A total of 168 FILKOM employees received first phase vaccination on Monday (24/5/2021). This activity aims to support government programs to suppress the spread and transmission of the COVID-19 corona virus. The first batch of vaccination was carried out at Samantha Krida Building, Universitas Brawijaya from 11.00 to 13.00 WIB. Meanwhile, the second batch is […]
Universitas Brawijaya (UB) decides to do offline learning, but only for 1st and 3rd semester students as mentioned by UB Rector, Prof.Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani, AR, M.S., in the Talk and Casual Chat (Bonsai) event with UB experts, Monday (3/5/2021). “Considering the existing conditions, currently UB takes a stand with several considerations, such as how […]
A total of more 1,300 lecturers and educational staff at Universitas Brawijaya received a second dose of Covid-19 vaccination. The vaccination is given for two days, on Wednesday and Thursday (24-25 / 3/2021), in Samanta Krida, Universitas Brawijaya. The recipients of this second dose are those who have received the first dose of injection on […]
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic has slowed down remittances to Malang area or the origin of the migrant workers, due to the delay in providing salaries for a number of workers, so they cannot send money to their families in Indonesia. Researchers from Universitas Brawijaya (UB), namely Faishal Aminuddin, Saseendran Pallikadavath, Sujarwoto, Keppi Sukesi and […]
Along with the vaccination program at UB Clinic, Universitas Brawijaya Hospital (RSUB) also carries out Covid-19 vaccination program for health workers and their employees. This vaccine program starts on Monday (1/2/2021). More than 300 vials of Sinovac serum have been provided for health workers and RSUB staff. According to the Public Relations of RSUB, M. […]
As an effort to intensify the promotion of the Covid-19 vaccine, Universitas Brawijaya Clinic started vaccination activities today. A total of 51 vials of Sinovac vaccine have been provided by UB Clinic to be injected to the health workers and employees on Monday and Tuesday (1-2 / 2/2021). According to the Director of UB Clinic, […]
A total of 52 lecturers and educational staff / staff of the Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM) who work in the office (WFO) take the Antibody Rapid Test. This activity is to fulfill Universitas Brawijaya Rector’s Instruction Number 497 / UN10 / TU / 2021 concerning Limiting Campus Activities in Universitas Brawijaya. This is also […]