Tags: Community Service

FCS UB Develops School Literacy Movement at SDKr YBPK Ngaglik Malang

The Community Service Team Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya (FCS UB) carried out a series of literacy development activities at YBPK Ngaglik Christian Elementary School (SDKr), Malang. In the 4th year of mentoring for the Literacy Movement at the SDKr YBPK Ngaglik, the FCS UB Community Service Team held creative writing workshops for teachers, […]

Lecturers and Students of Anthropology FCS UB Merge with the H3 Cultural Community of Mangliawan Village through Nature Conservation Activities

The annual Community Service Activities initiated by Universitas Brawijaya (UB) through the faculties encourage lecturers to do real activities for the community. This year, the Community Service Activities of Dr. Hipolitus Kristoforus Kewuel, M.Hum., from the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) involved an Anthropology student from the class of 2019, namely Aileen, as part of […]

Workshop on the Development Stage of the School Literacy Movement at the Lentera Pengharapan Christian Elementary School, YBPK Malang

Lentera Pengharapan Christian Elementary School YBPK (SDKr YBPK) Ngaglik, Malang is one of the elementary schools which is a place of learning for children, especially those from the Sukun District, Malang City. Based on the results of observations in 2019, the literacy level of these school students is categorized as early literacy. These conditions prompted […]

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