Tags: banjir bandang

UB Departs EMT Responding Flood in Sitiarjo Sitiarjo

Responding to the flash flood that hit Malang Regency, Universitas Brawijaya through the Faculty of Medicine sent a team of Emergency Medicine. This team went for Krajan Kulon Hamlet, Sitiarjo Village, Sumbermanjing Wetan District, Malang Regency on Monday night (17/10/2022). Over several days, this team will conduct a field assessment of the health needs and […]

BAZIS UB Quick Action Helps Flood Victim of Batu-Malang

Responding to the flash flood that hit parts of Batu City and Malang City on Thursday (4/11/2021), Universitas Brawijaya through the Agency of Amil Zakat Infaq Sedekah UB has provided assistance to affected communities. This assistance was provided from Friday to Monday at several affected locations. In Malang City, the distribution of this asisstance was […]

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